Pigs flying through a frozen hell


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2009
I say go for the Pulchra! Mine is taking his time growing, and hes the most docile little spider I have ever owned.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
I showed my girlfriend a bunch of tarantulas. Without really telling her much about them, she of course liked the most expensive ones :rolleyes:

She really liked G. pulchra (pretty surprising), A. versicolor, P. metallica, L. violaceopes, M. balfouri (of course), Xenesthis sps, and some spiders I don't think are easy to come by in the states.

I think she really really liked the pulchra as she kept going back to it. She likes how they don't get that big, are docile, and are slow growing. She wasn't big on the idea that it'll live for decades though. Alternately, she liked how versis change their colors as they grow, are pretty at all stages, and relatively docile. So, I could always get her slings of both. They're pretty different and would be interesting for her. And if she decides she doesn't want them, I'll be there to take 'em off her hands.

As an aside, her reaction to seeing the extreme close-ups and pics of Ts on hands was so cute. When she came to a pic of someone holding a big blondi, she freaked :D


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
What would she think of a H. incei? They don't get very big at all. I have no idea what their temperaments are. Any input Holothele owners? :confused:


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
My girlfriend absolutely hates spiders. I made a whiny thread a while back about how in no uncertain terms would I be allowed to have any more spiders other than the one H. mac I had. Pandora (the H. mac) was an adorable and beautiful fluffy little T but my gf almost couldn't tolerate even her. But after Pandora's untimely death, she said I could get another to replace her. I got a P. regalis which came with a LP sling freebie. Wouldn't you know it, my girlfriend thinks the sling is adorable and now wants one of her own :eek: But of course, she doesn't want one that will grow into a monster and in fact, she doesn't want one that'll grow at all. Now, of course, I really want to get her one but I want to weigh the options. I'm thinking a slow growing species that is easy to care for would be good. I want to go through adult pics and have her pick one she would like. Alternately, I could also surprise her with one but which? Something docile, small to medium-sized, pretty, easy to care for (as sling and adult), acts interesting, etc. There's plenty that fit the bill:
Aphonopelma moderatum
Avic avic/versi
Any brachy
Grammostola pulchra/pulchripes/rosea

Other less likely possibilities include:
C. fasciatum

Or I could just be mischievous and get her a S. calceatum sling and watch the hilarity ensue {D

Well, I think I'm leaning to a brachy or g. pulchra. Not sure if a black spider would freak her out though. But I suppose she would grow into it.

Anyways, I'm beside myself! I can't believe she's actually interested in getting a tarantula sling. I hope the devil has warm boots and a good umbrella!
A. moderatum is very slow growing and even when adults are not really very big. and have always been extremely docile IME


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Thanks all for the suggestions. I'm going through some personal issues right now and won't be getting any Ts any time soon. Maybe one day if things turn around, a pulchra or some such will be purchased. I'll keep this thread in mind.

On another note, my little LP surprised me this morning with a molt. I didn't even know it was ready for one. All seems well with it :)