Picked up a baby Marmoset monkey.

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Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
"Competing in the special Olympics is like arguing on the internet..."
Why do you post an incredible insult to everyone competing at the special olympics in this thread? You know that the R-word is to disabled people the same as the N-word is to black people?


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
I don't mean to argue with anyone (especially given that I don't like monkeys and have 0 knowledge on their care) but how can you say for sure that OP is torturing the animal?

The difference between a bad pet owner and a good pet owner is that a bad one neither acknowledges that they did wrong on their pet nor does anything to fix it. A good pet owner realizes their mistake, does the right thing, and takes better care of the animal. Given that you can't exactly hop into PetSmart and come back with a marmoset, this may be a bit difficult, but five message saying "you're torturing a monkey you terrible person" without any constructive information whatsoever helps nothing.

Giving angered responses instead of useful advice is more likely to cause anyone to just nope the fuck out of this thread instead of take it seriously.
Because it doesn't make a difference at all, whatever you say. As of yet, no one has replied to the clear cut accusation that the OP cannot possibly take good care of the monkey as long as he/she keeps it single. Resources have been provided, by me and others. Nevertheless people chose to respond to every unkind/emotional/otherwise wrong word posted by those that accuse the OP, instead of the actual accusation. Makes me wonder.


May 7, 2017
I don't mean to argue with anyone (especially given that I don't like monkeys and have 0 knowledge on their care) but how can you say for sure that OP is torturing the animal?

The difference between a bad pet owner and a good pet owner is that a bad one neither acknowledges that they did wrong on their pet nor does anything to fix it. A good pet owner realizes their mistake, does the right thing, and takes better care of the animal. Given that you can't exactly hop into PetSmart and come back with a marmoset, this may be a bit difficult, but five message saying "you're torturing a monkey you terrible person" without any constructive information whatsoever helps nothing.

Giving angered responses instead of useful advice is more likely to cause anyone to just nope the fuck out of this thread instead of take it seriously.
Unless he's got a group of like 20 marmosets then it's abuse. The marmoset will slowly develop mental health issues due to isolation which will result in it either killing itself or having a heart attack due to stress. Marmosets need LOTS of space. Their territory in the wild is acres big. A parrot cage is not a suitable replacement. Plus I doubt he has a specialist primate vet within driving distance. A combination of the slow abuse and not having adequate health protections is why this is torture. It's literally the same as putting a human baby in a cage and then expecting it to grow up perfectly fine and functioning member of society. Oh and no you can't simply google health issues and solve it like you can with a tarantula. Primate vets are closer to doctors than they're "vets"


May 7, 2017
TL;DR would you consider locking a baby in a cage all its life torture? That's why I said it's torture


Feb 10, 2017
Why do you post an incredible insult to everyone competing at the special olympics in this thread? You know that the R-word is to disabled people the same as the N-word is to black people?
I only posted the quote that the other person was talking about. I don't agree with the word either, and even debated with myself about adding "I may not agree with the terminology here, but the point as it relates to internet arguments is still valid."


Feb 10, 2017
Unless he's got a group of like 20 marmosets then it's abuse. The marmoset will slowly develop mental health issues due to isolation which will result in it either killing itself or having a heart attack due to stress. Marmosets need LOTS of space. Their territory in the wild is acres big. A parrot cage is not a suitable replacement. Plus I doubt he has a specialist primate vet within driving distance. A combination of the slow abuse and not having adequate health protections is why this is torture. It's literally the same as putting a human baby in a cage and then expecting it to grow up perfectly fine and functioning member of society. Oh and no you can't simply google health issues and solve it like you can with a tarantula. Primate vets are closer to doctors than they're "vets"
Well, first of all, I didn't read all of your post because I quickly realized that you completely ignores the only point I was trying to make. Secondly, I feel it worth noting that just because an animal roams acres in the wild doesn't mean it needs to for stimulation or exercise- they roam because they need to in order to find food, water, and mates. A bird cage does not seem like adequate housing for an adult marmoset, but where did OP give any indication they were housing the monkey that way??

You're making a lot of assumptions and being ridiculously useless. I will be permanently blocking your account so that I do not need to read any more of your poisonous content.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
I only posted the quote that the other person was talking about. I don't agree with the word either, and even debated with myself about adding "I may not agree with the terminology here, but the point as it relates to internet arguments is still valid."
I think it still has no place here. There was a reason the other person didn't write it out. Please modify it or take it off. This quote goes too far.


May 7, 2017
Well, first of all, I didn't read all of your post because I quickly realized that you completely ignores the only point I was trying to make. Secondly, I feel it worth noting that just because an animal roams acres in the wild doesn't mean it needs to for stimulation or exercise- they roam because they need to in order to find food, water, and mates. A bird cage does not seem like adequate housing for an adult marmoset, but where did OP give any indication they were housing the monkey that way??

You're making a lot of assumptions and being ridiculously useless. I will be permanently blocking your account so that I do not need to read any more of your poisonous content.
Except marmosets roam that distance for exercise not got food. They need to be able to get out and about
Or they become manically depressed. Consider By you can quite clearly see pictures of a parrot cage where the marmoset is that would be a good guess as to its home. Ever seen marmosets in a zoo? The enclosures are stupidly big. Both ground area and height.

Anyway. I'm done arguing why locking a primate in a cage is cruel. Bye


Feb 10, 2017
Because it doesn't make a difference at all, whatever you say. As of yet, no one has replied to the clear cut accusation that the OP cannot possibly take good care of the monkey as long as he/she keeps it single. Resources have been provided, by me and others. Nevertheless people chose to respond to every unkind/emotional/otherwise wrong word posted by those that accuse the OP, instead of the actual accusation. Makes me wonder.
What I was trying to say was that we have no idea whether or not the OP is going to fix their problem and get another marmoset, so that one person who kept calling out "torture! Torture! Torturetorturetorture!" was being ridiculous.

I think I'll just back away now, I'm sorry I turned this into more of a poop storm than it was before. :S


Dec 25, 2014
I love the fact that, on the Internet, if someone say something like: "I'm a biologist" no one believes him/her, even if this is a true fact. On the other hand, truth as well, a lot of people claimed on the Internet to be "everything" possible.

Anyway, I love this. "you" are a biologist, and seems absurd.

I'm the Goddess 0.1 Pelinobius muticus PBUH (Peace Be Upon Her) humble Priest and no one can deny such an indisputable fact :angelic:

So I say that we shouldn't argue but, instead, start to sing and together, hand in hands, team for spread Her (Goddess*) hissing word because, Brothers and Sisters, I tell you... a lot of people are waiting, in a dark alley, in a lonely corner, for us: for being 'evangelized' about :bookworm:

Oh, btw. Comment #7, I've read King Baboon instead of Goddess 0.1 Pelinobius muticus PBUH (Peace Be Upon Her).

A coincidence, probably a misleading :)
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Old Timer
Nov 3, 2013
Interesting point. Would you also say someone should never state: "I've so many years of experience, therefore I know what I'm talking about" without providing evidence of the years of experience? Or: "I've kept this species before, therefore I know how to take care of it" without providing evidence? If not, than how is this different from saying "I'm a biologist with a degree in animal behaviour, therefore I know a thing about animal behaviour"? BTW, why do you want publications? I've been citing some basic biology textbook knowledge in my posts. I don't think those textbooks need to be verified again, so I wouldn't work on the topic.

Actually I don't even complete disagree with you here. The only question is, where does it stop? At some point you will have to believe other peoples experience/knowledge without proof, otherwise a forum like that were people ask for advice is meaningless.

Nevertheless, it was certainly stupid of me to mention the biologist thing. In my defence I did cite a few other sources to back up my opinion.
Sorry, sorry, was mostly kidding and not thinking. You are 100% right. However, I always prefer when people cite actual sources (which, as I have repeatedly said, you did, which I wish people would focus on more than an aside about being a biologist). Years of experience are nice, but citing multiple people is better. The nice thing about a forum is you can basically do that through crowdsourcing.

In short, I really liked your post and was trying to find points of commonality with g. pulchra, for reasons not entirely clear to me. Then I got off on a tangent, as I often do. I think your post with the sources was the most reasonable in the thread (along with andrea's, and she basically said the same thing).

With that, I am out of here.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
I come to this thread once and while to read some of the comments. I have to say that's it pretty pathetic the way that I am being called out for animal abuse. Our family takes care of this monkey all hours of the day unless he's sleeping. His nutritional needs are met, his housing is adequate for now, he is being given constant attention, he's given a loving home. But I guess none of that matters.

He is being given and outdoor enclosure, larger indoor enclosure pretty soon as it would be too big for him now not that I really have to explain any of that to you. He also will be getting another cage mate soon enough. We actually have a vet that offers services and has experience in primates here the outskirts of Memphis, TN that we are taking him to for a checkup.

I refuse to go into quoting and replying to all the posts that sit there and insult me or my ability to own such a nice animal. I really do not care about some of your comments which is why I haven't replied to this thread. I do however devote that time to the monkey though which is more important to me. Some of the comments are pretty petty. I have been a member here for many years as it has been a nice community.....until now.

Here are the last pictures you'll see of him for the people that'd like to see him as I will not be posting any updates or spending that much time here anymore.




May 7, 2017
Do you own a group of marmosets or this marmosets mother? If not then it's abuse
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