Phorid flies & possible nematodes - help me develop a protocol?

Arachnid Addicted

Apr 16, 2019
So, based on that article and in the fact that they can lay eggs in tarantulas eggsacs, we can say, in a way, that Phorids can parasite AND be harmful to tarantulas, even if it is a rare case?


Mar 27, 2018
Good info in this thread. Ive got a lot of PFs in my house right now but its good to know they wont hurt my Ts (not breeding any right now)

Does anyone want to comment on houseplants attracting phorids? Maybe put springtails in the pots? Dream scenario would be bringing in some jumping spiders from outside and they keep the population down and establish a healthy population themselves.


Old Timer
Dec 29, 2002
Good info in this thread. Ive got a lot of PFs in my house right now but its good to know they wont hurt my Ts (not breeding any right now)

Does anyone want to comment on houseplants attracting phorids? Maybe put springtails in the pots? Dream scenario would be bringing in some jumping spiders from outside and they keep the population down and establish a healthy population themselves.
Houseplants attract fungus gnats, a different, less problematic nuisance.


Jun 2, 2017
Hey, sorry I'm super late replying here. Around the time of my last post I started having some crazy allergic reactions seemingly to my tarantulas, including full-blown anaphylaxis, and some scary subcutaneous bleeding and ulceration, so I had to go stay with my mum for a while. On returning, I rehoused everybody with Eco Earth, which I seem to react less to.

I don't think it's hairs, but something near my enclosures is definitely setting my allergies off like crazy. In my research I learned that springtails can sometimes cause a minor dermatitis, or even the coco fibre itself...Or some new form of autoimmune ridiculousness maybe cause that's how I roll. Because I have a connective tissue disorder I'm more prone to weird allergic symptoms and cutaneous manifestations.

As for what I was seeing on my tarantulas - this is embarrassing to admit, but I was on a new medication that was making me straight up hallucinate. Pretty sure I wasn't actually seeing anything. So I'm sorry for any unnecessary concern I caused.

Thanks for, as always, the outstanding advice.