Phoneutria fera


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Commonly known as "Brazilian Wandering Spider" and absolutely not a beginner species. Pretty potent venom.

If you want a fast true spider that can climb anything and be gone in the blink of an eye, just like a Wandering Spider, but without the dangerous part, try looking for a Heteropoda huntsman.

If you want something that looks kinda like this, but easier to keep contained cause it can't climb glass, look for a Dolomedes fishing spider. It isn't dangerous either.
Can both be cared for same as a tarantula or large-wolf spider ? I’ve just never seen any for sale of The huntsman spiders. Not in the market right now for anything but in the future I may try some.


May 5, 2023
Can both be cared for same as a tarantula or large-wolf spider ? I’ve just never seen any for sale of The huntsman spiders. Not in the market right now for anything but in the future I may try some.
Huntsman spiders are kept pretty much same as an arboreal T. Wolf spiders and Fishing spiders are kept like terrestrial Ts. Fishing spiders like a big water dish and pretty high humidity. All of these are easy to keep, but Huntsman spiders are lightning fast and can really teleport.
Just remember to feed more often than Ts, and keep in mind that they have shorter life spans, only a few years.