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Spot on.The problem is not just Fox or people, who get their information from Fox. The problem is that US became so goddamn right shifted in the last two decades, even the so called "non-biased centrist media" spews inaccurate BS on a regular basis. Due to this TV based uneducation, it is seen quite normal to make decisions, which has worldwide implications, based on a book that was written thousands of years ago by a bunch of uneducated peasants. Science is only there to make money and unless it helps to make money, it is disregarded utterly.
Yesterday your breakfast cereal had anti-oxidants, tomorrow it will be gluten-free and early next week it will come with a double serving of magic pixie dust. All based upon, "peer reviewed, scientific research."
I agree with the majority of what Snark is saying, but his acceptable and understandable attack on Fox News is where I deviate.
The root cause of all the **** we are discussing, all the tangents, is our flawed system of government. And yeah, Im putting Canada in the same boat as the USA. In terms of good and bad, Canada isnt as far along the dark path as USA, but our politicians and corporations have a love affair with the excessively capitalist system.
Right now in Canada, Half of our Senators are embroiled in controversy. They get $135,000 a year and a pension that makes your average Canadians jaw to touch the floor. On top of this, many make hundreds of thousands of dollars serving on corporate boards. Ms. Wallin served on three seperate boards to the tune of $1,000,000 in board funds and stock options.
According to the Ethics Commisioner, serving on these boards is not a conflict of interest. From the Senators themselves, they believe that they have the right to make additional income. They believe that serving on corporate boards will keep them up to date with current corporate trends, and will not produce a biased effect.... Like the time Prime Minister Martin gave east coast freight companies huge tax cuts, which they used to increase fleet size AND produce more profits for share holders. Yes, Mr. Martin was a major shareholder. But this wasnt a conflict of interest.
We all grow up with some understanding of morals. Right and Wrong. Well, as it turns out when you become a politician youre handed a rule book which provides a different set of morals to be followed. This rule book is designed to protect the status quo. Not to benefit the country or the people.
So when Im a politician, earning double the average household income WITH a guaranteed pension (Something average Canadians are well aware they wont be able to say after 2020), I have a right to work other jobs and make a ton of money. However, since I have obligations outside the senate, I need to make some sacrifices. For example, instead of talking to the people, talking to the corporations and scientists, which will affect my opinion on legislation. I only have 30 minutes before my next board meeting. So that will give me time to meet with one lobbyist, get a lapdance, shake his hand and head off.
And yeah, lobbyists buy lapdances for politicians all the time. Unfortunately lobbyists dont work directly for the corporations they are lobbying for, so you cant prove a conflict of interest or corruption.
When Rob Ford admits to buying illegal narcotics, within the time since he started serving as mayor... Thats it. Nothing has happened. If you or I were to admit under oath that we did Cocaine, we would be thrown in jail, period. LETS PROTECT THE STATUS QUO!!!
In BC, There are several organizations whos sole objective is the welfare of aboriginal children. They are in a lot of trouble after it has been found out that the government hands them money, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, and some of these organizations dont handle a single case.... And yet the consultants, people whos job description is, "WORK CASES", still get paid.
I recall getting into an arguement with a friend of mine right out of high school. She was planning on getting a masters in environment sciences, and me, being a contrarian had something to argue:sarcasm: I said the facts dont back up Kyoto, and it doesnt make sence for Canada to buy carbon credits from the Russians just to stay in target. How about we spend that money on Canadian researchers, to research how to reduce pollution. She told me the facts dont matter, and Kyoto is a fantastic device to raise awareness. Come to think of it, I bet she belongs to PETA now.
The facts dont matter. Lets look at Tarantula Care Sheets as an example. For the most part, our community thinks they are an awful form of information. Fomr my personal perspective, they simplify and dumb down the information so that it can be easily absorbed by the largest number of people. However, it is simplified to the point the information should be considered incorrect. We live in a time where our ability to gather information, far outweights our minds ability to assimilate the information. Ever hear the term, "Headline reader" it refers to the fact that most North Americans read the headlines, skim the stories and derive simple opinions, based upon one sensationalised sentence, regarding a complex situation. Politicians are no different!
You can find simplified 1 page documents, in point form, telling you how to properly care for a plethora of exotic animals. Animals which scientists spend years and years and years in school just so they can properly study them. This information cannot be properly scaled down. This is the same problem we have in Politics.
One final note, I recall a time when the words Guerilla and Terrorist were not interchangeable. Dont read to much into this, Im a pacifist.
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