Pet Food endemic - How long has it lasted?


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2006
It seems recently after the first recall, more nad more companies are recalling some products, probaly due to poor testing and less stringent regulations (but I am not sure so I cannot be the one to point finger). But anyways, I want to know how long this has gone on for. I know for one my dog had 3 pouches of one of the recalled foods still unused, who knows how many consumed. But really, what about the packages that we've fed in the past, obviously they can't be recalled and they companies have't really commente how far back this goes.

I recall a specific event, I had a 7 year old Siamese cat that was left in my driveway. I had her almost 3 years at the time of the event. We went on vacation and had a family friend live at the house to care for all the animals. We were gone one week and the cat was fed a differnt food than normal because the women isn't really a pet person, so she isn't too keen on food selection and the purpose of differnt types of foods. Upon returning there was an obvious difference in the cat. After less than a week of returning the cat needed a vet visit, she was doing so bad, she was put on all types of medicines* including multiple IV bags which we ultimately had to adminster at home.. Her liver was failing and eventually did in under another week, leaving us with a dead cat and 3800 in medical bills... Now I'm a bit angered with this recent string of recalls, and I want to know if this dates back to two years ago when this happened. She was an otherwise VERY healthy cat. About 3 months after that we had a cat who was 4 years old, and very big (over 15 pounds with little "bellie jiggle", he was extremely healthy, muscular and well able to defend himself, he basically hadn't been acting the same, went out one day and never came back.. Both extremly suspicious being the cats are probaly more cared for than I am.

Has anyone else had an animal die in recent years due to this liver failure? I cannot think I'd be the only one, either way it's a good idea to get all of our pets throughally checked out, I for one am.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
In 2002 I had to put one of my cats to sleep because he wouldnt move for 3 days, no eating or going to the bathroom either. He only ate hills science diet light kibble his whole life, and now I see hills as one of the brands, but not the exact formula he ate. Still, they keep updating he foods each week it seems, so its a possibility.


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2006
In 2002 I had to put one of my cats to sleep because he wouldnt move for 3 days, no eating or going to the bathroom either. He only ate hills science diet light kibble his whole life, and now I see hills as one of the brands, but not the exact formula he ate. Still, they keep updating he foods each week it seems, so its a possibility.
Any diagnosis?
I noticed before she died she really couldn't move, and when she did, it was to go outside to goto the bathroom. I noticed she would pant heavily and her belly region would convulse wildly, obviously a sign of the body wanting to shut down.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I dont remember getting a cause really, the vet said he would have needed a blood test done to find out, and we had no money for that so it's sort of unknown. a few weeks prior he collapsed for a few minutes, but we didnt realize it because we came home and thought he was just resting, the vet told us he had a seizure. My cat would vomit multiple times a week for years, I think he had alot of medical problems we just didnt know about. When we got him he was in poor health/condition, my aunt and uncle had him, him and the other 2 cats werent cared for good.

But after he was fine, only 2 weeks later did he gradually stop eating, then using the bathroom, then not walking at all, we knew it was time to put him to sleep.

These are some symptoms though.

My cat couldnt even pick up his head at the end. My cat was breathing a little heavy too, he would only move his tail. When the vet picked him up just an inch he screamed in pain.

Mabye it wasnt that he was dying, it could have been another serious problem that an operation could have fixed, but just an x-ray and bloodtest were too much for us, so we had to put him to sleep.

He was 12 years old.

And I think our vet never told us the truth half the time because we didnt have alot of money, so there was alot about cat care we didnt know back then, but now we have learned alot in the past 5 years. Our current cats are very healthy and our vets have given us alot of good information about anything.
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