Hi I'm debating getting one of these guys however I have only had experience with "beginner" species.
Is this a big step up on difficulty/experience
If anyone owns one any advice would be appreciated.
I have a pinkbloom it’s pretty easy to care for I just don’t let it dry out too much. They are more moisture dependent then some others but mine is well behaved.
Gots 2 of these little beauty's, as mentioned a little jumpy as slings but my sub adults n adults are chill.
I have a 2inch machala sling unsexed called Mini-Mal and a 4.5/ 5 inch female I raised from sling called Maleficent. Both are food bold, like to kick when disturbed, both dug a burrow but never use it, both like a damp sub.
They both eat like pigs, both like to drink alot so make sure you have a good water dish, and my number 1 advice is start little one in a bigger viv then you think. These put on huge size as slings n moult often when small so I would advise you start with at least a 4x4 inch viv or you will be rehousing after the first moult.
They are a great place to start with pampho, my first pampho was Maleficent I have 5 sp and 7 individuals now ranging from 2 inch slings to 7.5 inch females . They are an addictive genus lol but they are a great just relax n enjoy the colour changes as they grow . You have any more questions you know where we are .
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