Pamona. Ca Super show Jan 11&12th


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 30, 2008
The big show is less than a month away. As always I will be there with Reptile Den so stop by say hi & I look foward to seeing anyone that can make it out from the AB family.

Los Angeles, Ca
@Pomona Fairplex
January 11-12, 2025
10am-5pm Saturday
11am-5pm Sunday


Matt Man

Jul 4, 2017
Joe, I will see you there! I will be @ The Bug Cage Company, and looking forward to seeing some new, and some familiar faces


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 30, 2008
Why is this still happening?
Greetings, First off I will say it was absolutely fantastic to see so many wonderful Arachnid/Reptile enthusiasts make it out to the show. There were more people that could make it out to the show then in a long while. In addition to our building 4 there was another building there I believe 6 that was American Red Cross that was open for anyone who needed help from the recent horrific fire events.

To the question of "why did this still happen" from IntermittentSygnal (missed seeing you, hope you, and your ts are all doing well) I would assume the venue and show promoter felt is was safe and out of harms way enough to continue. As for individuals who were there who were directly effected by the fires here are the responses I received:

"Thank God for this show I just wanted to have something I love help me get my mind off the recent events."

"So happy for this show I was able to bring some of mine or someone I knew's reptiles and or arachnids that could take care of them for me while I figure things out"

"I am just glad to get better air quality here further away from the smoke and have something fun to do."

"Hooray,there is power here with controlled temperatures and all the lights are working"

"It was a relief to see people smiling again as I had not seen a smile in a few days"

Thoughts and prayers to all effected by the recent tragedies.

Matt Man

Jul 4, 2017
Why is this still happening?
I am guessing, because many vendors come from all across the nation and cancelling flights, hotels, etc....... would be a massive burden. Second the greater LA area is home to 18.5 million people so even if 1 million people have been affected by the fires there is still a massive population that may want / need a distraction. As @JoeRossi put so well, there was a crowd and most were enjoying a break from all the chaos. Pomona is SE of all the fires so other than a bit of haze on Friday the air was fine. People needed the distraction, because even when you leave, you go home and there it is, all over again on the news. So it provided a brief respite and some joy to so many people. And yes, at least one or 2 of the other halls were providing shelter for victims. I have 2 friends who lost their homes in AltaDena, the parents of 1 friend that lost their house in the Pallisades, and another friend's parents still waiting, but from what news they have, their home survived. ( I should know by tonight ) so I have to say, even from a vendor's POV it was nice to be unplugged from it for a short while.
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