Paludarium basics


Apr 4, 2021
Hey all, I don't have access to any type of frog or fish forums so I'm just gonna go ahead and post this here. Lately, i've decided that a good centerpiece in my house would be for some sort of paludarium, as I really like the idea of a half land half aquatic tank. I am new to paludariums though, and would love to get some tips. In terms of sizing and hardscape, budget isnt really a problem. Ive had some experience with expanding foam and silicone, and I understand the need for them because of the design perspective. I have an entire family to help me out as well. I have a 40 gallon tank that is more based in length than height, but I would like to know if placing the water in the front or to the side of the land would be more beneficial for a half and half type enclosure. As for the plants, that is yet to be determined. The main focus in terms of animals is fire bellied toads, which I chose after reading on how poison dart frogs do not benefit from paludarium type enclosures. I would really like some input on what else I could put into there for plants and animals. I would really like some aquatic plants, but have no idea which ones to pick from. I understand that FBT's are poisonous, but I would really love to include some fish and crab species into the enclosure. Ive heard success stories that with enough filtration and water replacements, the FBT's poison typically does not affect fish life. The two most wanted fish species for me at the current moment are tetras and killifish, would those two work in any case? As for crabs, which I want simply because I love crabs, are either vampire crabs or red thai crabs. Both these species seem to be alright candidates, but because I have never kept crabs before I would like to know how well they would do in a environment like this or with the other animals in the paludarium. Crabs though, are a maybe because ive read that they dont do very well with the toads. Just asking to make sure I dont make any big mistakes, thanks all. EDIT: If there are any species yall would recommend to put in, please tell me. I love biodiverse enclosures. Fire bellied toads dont necessarily need to be the centerpiece. Any active species that looks decently nice and works well with other things also works.
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Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
You have access to the internet, why don’t you have access to the best frog forum?