Just go away. You don't take any advice, you kill your pets, you lose your pets.....the only worthwhile thing you have to offer is a bite report so we can all laugh at your deserved misfortune.It is mine REALLY. My camera was messed up and i restarted it and just never put the date in REALLY.
Its hard to get a clear picture and this is not my P.regalis. I can't say who's it is. So what it will grow!
Would you make up your mind!! Is it your P. regalis? Is it not your P. regalis? Since you cant tell us whos it is! I bet it aint yours..It is mine REALLY. My camera was messed up and i restarted it and just never put the date in REALLY.
Will you do something to get in trouble, and grounded from the computer already please?The pciture was mine but the regalis wasn't.Understand now?I was talkn bout pic
See, that's the problem right there.I dont get groundings!!
of course the whole picture doesn't look right because it's blurry and it sucks, but still.