P.Murinus bite

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Feb 25, 2016
Oh I knew there would be one, I got a tetanus, antithetical hand bath and laughing gas! I've paid my way my whole adult life and if I seek medical attention that's got nothing to do with you or your moody hate... I think I done well, no serious lasting effects, no flesh eating symptoms, in fact all there was was pain, how does that equate to banning tarantulas? Should we ban the honey bee? I hate people like you!
I really don’t think the issue was you personally wasting money/resources but that people who wish to ban tarantulas might use such bite reports and hospital visits as justification.

Why should they stop there? Why not ban chocolate and fast food and alcohol? Why should “we” pay for others’ vices? Or why not go all out 1984 and watch everyone and make sure they exercise? Too unpopular? Our lovely T’s have no such assurance.

Again, nothing against you personally, but unfortunately politicians everywhere are meddlesome. :shifty: That’s why all the brouhaha about handling tarantulas at all, right? None of us would care if someone wanted to live free-range with a dozen pokies (yes, pokies, not ponies, silly autocorrect, lol) except that some moron might use the resulting incident as reason to ban tarantulas. :rage:


Grammostola Groupie
Mar 12, 2016
When hospitals are looking for funding and each animal bite costs them $1000 in supplies and medical resources - they absolutely look at ways to prevent having to spend that money. And while municipal governments are being elected on promises not to increase property taxes to fund their area hospitals - the money has to be saved somewhere.
One of the key places they look are stupid, and easily preventable, costs and people being bitten by animals in one of the very first places they look. I'm not guessing at this - I have been involved with this personally. They have the number of bites and the estimated cost of each one and it adds up. And it is one of the key factors taken into account when animal bans are put into place.
So, while I am not suggesting that someone not seek medical attention when they get bitten accidentally - someone seeking medical care when they have been bitten on purpose is in a realm of stupid all on it's own.


Jan 26, 2016
I really don’t think the issue was you personally wasting money/resources but that people who wish to ban tarantulas might use such bite reports and hospital visits as justification.

Why should they stop there? Why not ban chocolate and fast food and alcohol? Why should “we” pay for others’ vices? Or why not go all out 1984 and watch everyone and make sure they exercise? Too unpopular? Our lovely T’s have no such assurance.

Again, nothing against you personally, but unfortunately politicians everywhere are meddlesome. :shifty: That’s why all the brouhaha about handling tarantulas at all, right? None of us would care if someone wanted to live free-range with a dozen pokies (yes, pokies, not ponies, silly autocorrect, lol) except that some moron might use the resulting incident as reason to ban tarantulas. :rage:
I'm sure my little incident is of no danger to being allowed to keep Ts... (BREAKING NEWS!- Man bitten by super poisonous, massive, gigantic, angry, evil tarantula nearly doesn't go to hospital but said "arrrgghhh it hurts! Why did I do that?" after weeks of therapy the Tarantula is said to be recovering slowly but surely)


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
When hospitals are looking for funding and each animal bite costs them $1000 in supplies and medical resources - they absolutely look at ways to prevent having to spend that money.
I don't really know how health care works in Canada but I do know how it works in Germany and Britain - I work in health care and I've done cost assessments. Costs for medical treatment are a lot lower in Britain than what you are quoting here. The USA have the highest costs of medical treatment anywhere, sometimes 3 times (yes, 3 times!) higher than Germany or Britain. From what you are citing I'd think Canada may be similar to the US. The treatment costs for this bite as described by @Shampain88 would not even cover half a day of medications for a child with cancer and about one day of medications for a refugee with tuberculosis (plenty of those around here) - or just one test for a suspected case of tuberculosis. The resources used for his treatment are absolutely minimal - so minimal that there's no way they will have any effect on health care costs or hospital funding at all. People may look at bite reports for hospital funding questions in Canada - they don't do it around here and I know that for a fact. Smoking, overeating and lack of excercise are the big problems when it comes to self inflicted ailments, not animal bites.

Please, just keep things in perspective. Do I think @Shampain88 was an idiot? You bet I do. Did he put a strain on the health care system by seeking medical treatment? Most definitely not.

Grace Cannell

Aug 19, 2017
Perhaps it just a "learned behaviour" from having a parent with Autism but I tend to take people very strongly at their word, if someone says a certain experience like being bitten by an OW tarantula will hurt like hell then I do not feel particularly inclined to test whether it is true or not. Unfortunately I agree that certain authorities may well take this as supporting evidence to further campaign a ban on keeping these animals. Regardless of the fact that this T was unfortunately provoked in to doing so. We live in a world where dogs are put down for biting once with little consideration as to why, sometimes it is necessary, sometimes there are other factors to consider. I think the OP knows full well that what he did wasn't the smartest but him denying the potential effect his "experiment" could have on T keeping is sad.

As for a waste on medical funding? The guy got bit, whether it was by accident or not, he did the sensible thing of seeking medical attention. Here in the UK we have TV programmes (e.g. bizarre ER) about people doing equally stupid stuff but that does not mean they are not entitled to medical attention. It is people who choose to use A&E and their general practice for things that can be sorted at a pharmacy or home that are more of a strain on NHS resources. I would rather be sat for ages in A&E because someone got bitten by a venomous animal than by someone who is trying to seek medical attention for cold symptoms.


May 7, 2017
why are people attacking him for going to the hospital? its way cheaper to disinfect a wound a give anti biotics than to treat septicemia, gangrene etc which could of happened if the fangs were infected with bacteria or viruses.


Dec 25, 2014
why are people attacking him for going to the hospital?
It's not that people attacked him for that. I fully understand the concern of someone, someone maybe living in a nation/area etc were already exists regulations/limitations of all sorts about the keeping of certain animals. In such a case, obviously, who would love to hear/witness something (made basically on purpose, let's not forget this, we aren't talking about a bite happened by mistake) like that?

So I understand this. What makes me laugh is the "waste of resources/money" part.

C'mon, that's laughable. Here in Italy is full of nuts (Italians as well for legit immigrants and, incredibly, illegals as well) that, after an harmless mosquito bite (lol, slightly severe than an 'OBT' :troll:) reaches the E.R like not even hungry zombies searching for flesh. Let alone people with their freaking wallet 'full' and money everywhere that, instead to go to a private dentist, prefer to abuse the SSN (supposed in such a context for the poorer, or those in difficulty) for 'bull' like caries etc

Now that's is what I consider a real waste of my cash and resources for those who really needs.

if the fangs were infected with bacteria or viruses.
Well, the first rule of action, as you know, is to always use alcohol and 'clean' the bite point (no matter the T's, inverts in question). This, and even before reaching the E.R, always help.

After all a P.murinus isn't a Loxosceles rufescens where, no matter, Loxoscelism side effect can jump out.
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May 7, 2017
cleaning a wound can be done at home (even then its only really the surface as cleaning inside a bite is actually really quite hard) but the main point is to make sure you get anti biotics to prevent an infection taking hold. prevention over cure

Grace Cannell

Aug 19, 2017
Hmmm I have reservations about anti-biotics being used when signs of infection are not present. It's a big problem at the moment where people use them needlessly. Getting a significant bite looked at by a medical professional is always worthwhile though.

Haha Chris, I do agree but I take it you haven't had the misfortune of being bitten by the zanzara tigre then? I had a run in with one on my last visit. Not pleasant.


Dec 25, 2014
Haha Chris, I do agree but I take it you haven't had the misfortune of being bitten by the zanzara tigre then? I had a run in with one on my last visit. Not pleasant.
Ah ah, recently seems that we have only those. The native ones seems, poof!, disappeared :)

I remember when I was a kid, in the '90, those mosquitoes in our Summer house, here in Lombardy country. Now there's those nasty, and pretty badass, aesthetic talking.

After one of their 'kiss', my skin turns red and swallow a bit but, after not even 10 minutes, no more itchy feeling. They are however very annoying :angelic:

Grace Cannell

Aug 19, 2017
Ah ah, recently seems that we have only those. The native ones seems, poof!, disappeared :)

I remember when I was a kid, in the '90, those mosquitoes in our Summer house, here in Lombardy country. Now there's those nasty, and pretty badass, aesthetic talking.

After one of their 'kiss', my skin turns red and swallow a bit but, after not even 10 minutes, no more itchy feeling. They are however very annoying :angelic:
Yeah I helped my cousins spray their bushes when I was last there because they were a real problem in my family's region. Unfortunately I got bit in the process, I have never sought out medical attention for a mosquito bite before, but this was awful and got infected very quickly. I now take a jar of marmite with me to Italy as those evil blood suckers hate yeast.


Jan 26, 2016
At the end of the day, stupid as it was I've got more nerve than most! Im a mans man! Lmao I cuddle up with Kenobi every night now, we watch horrors and snuggle, she's a sweetheart...

NukaMedia Exotics

#1 Tarantula Vendor in the USA! Ships Nationwide.
Jul 31, 2017
Yo! Here it is, homie!

Thank you for the video my good man.

Just watched it: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO "This is much worse than an H. gigas" :rofl:
That OBT almost jumped out of my screen when it bit you. You sir have earned your savage badge.
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Mar 23, 2018
Lol I have an obt and that top stays down if there's any aggression. I don't think it's brave to do things like this, and I don't necessarily think it's stupid plenty of masochists in the world I guess, but not my cup of tea thanks.


Apr 27, 2017
Also gonna post here. In case anyone is interested in downloading the original here are links to the video files I downloaded a few days after he started this thread.
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