Ornithoctoninae sp. "hati hati" VERSUS Harpactira pulchripes - Which to get


Feb 9, 2017
H pulchripes is not just an OBT color morph with blue legs. The appearance is only part of the reason why it cost more.

The other flip side is behavior, just as important as how it looks. The H pulchripes is in no way an arboreal tarantula. Mine will ALWAYS retreat down it's burrow or under cork bark when I tap the cage once. This makes feeding, cleaning the enclosure, switching out water dishes and tossing in feeders largely a boring affair.

I have no idea if they can hiss or not. I suspect not. I have never once received a threat display or had the tarantula stand it's ground and fight when it could just walk away.

It is somewhat nervous and takes a while to calm down after rehousing or removal from it's enclosure for cleaning, but that's understandable.

Heck, it's just a little bit more jumpy then my pamphobeteus machala!!

It has all the advantages of the OBT, great appetite fast growth extremely hardy and it is usually visible day and night about 50% of the time. It'll burrow once in a while but not often.

Mine is outgrowing it's enclosure and needs to be rehoused even though he was only 1 inch when I got him just a few months ago.

The OBT is a drop dead gorgeous spider, but due to behavior has to be considered an advanced species.

H pulchripes is a good 2nd terrestrial. Once you feel comfortable rehousing a NW such as an L klugi and you know how they tick, no problem. Just use a sterilite tub in the bathtub when unpacking or rehousing & be comfortable doing that first.

As to the Asian one, I can't really comment on that. The only Asian one I have is a Pokie which isn't quite the same thing.

Of course, if you want to get into breeding H pulchripes is a sensible choice. Slings are only between $80 to $100 which is just a one time cost. It won't break the bank.

Do keep in mind that the OBT requires a larger enclosure simply so you can give it extra space for maintenance without conflict. Adding feeding ports if needed or locks adds to the total cost of getting one. The price difference still favors the OBT but not as much as you think. The tarantula + it's cage will only save you about $20 or $30 after it's totalled up.

Having said that, I have perfect specs to the ultimate OBT cage & I'll get one eventually.

H pulchripes Hybris maintenance 1.jpg H pulchripes what sex 1.jpg

Here, he's startled by a feeder roach out of the frame. He got it before I could get it on video.

H pulchripes Hybris hanging out 2.jpg