omg chain pet shops are too much!


Jan 20, 2008
So I went to my lps tonight, to get some crickets, I wont say the name, pet (co-ugh) excuse me.
Anyway they had an enclosure for the last month with stripe knee listed on the sticker for $20, I never really wanted a strip knee but I alway look for it when I go there to see what it looks like but could never see it. Tonight my curiousity got the best of me and asked one of the guys to show it to me. So the guy opens the tank and pulls out all the decors and sees that its buried under the BARK CHIPS, and starts removing the bark chips from it. And what do my eyes see when he does? An obt! I said to the guy, "ummm...that is not a strip knee, thats an orange baboon tarantula, P murinus" He said "no its a strip knee" So of coarse I said "no its an obt!" Then I wanted to get something to nudge it for a better look and this dumb a$$ stickes his hand in there to nudge it with his fingers, and of coarse the t' rears up ready to bite and lucky for him he pulls back in time just avoiding a bite. I showed him a pic of it on my phone that has a full internet browser and convinced him that it was an obt. I told him he needs to change the name on there and warn anyone that may want to buy that how dangerous of a t it is, so he goes to tell his manager and the manager says "its not a baboon tarantula, its a rare orange phase strip knee!" WHaaaat???
I said well thats the first time I have ever heard of an orange phase strip knee and he tells me they are very rare like 1 in 3000 have that orange color. At this point I want to smack the crap out of this guy and once again I show him the pic on my phone and he goes to look at the tarantula and get the first guy to open the tank again, and again he sticks his hand in there to move all the decors after repeted times of me telling him how dangerous and fast that tarantula is. And again once he exposes the T and of coarse it rears up ready to bite!
After getting a good look at the T the manager finally agrees with me and explains that it was not that color when they got it in, which I was able to tell from the molt I seen in the tank, and agreed with me with what it was.
He said there not even alowed to sell dangerous t's and told me of all the times he would put his hand in there to feed and clean the enclosure and thanked me. I said to him if he can reduce the price I will buy it since I am experienced enough to take care of a t like that and definately should not sell that to anyone which he agreed but could not reduce the price without talking to the head manager which was not there tonight. So I will be going there tomorrow and probably be picking it up, gonna offer $10 which Im sure they take. Well that was my experience of the night, just goes to show you the ignorance that chain lps can have. I feel better about myself knowing I probably just saved someone from getting a nasty bite.


Old Timer
Sep 12, 2006
Christ on a fence. -_- I do hope you get it, to keep anyone else winding up with it. And I was ticked when I was new to the hobby and someone sold me a rosie as a stripeknee.

...And I honestly thought someone WAS gonna get bit in that story as I was reading it...


Jan 20, 2008
Christ on a fence. -_- I do hope you get it, to keep anyone else winding up with it. And I was ticked when I was new to the hobby and someone sold me a rosie as a stripeknee.

...And I honestly thought someone WAS gonna get bit in that story as I was reading it...
One way or the other I an gonna get it, Im gonna try to just take it from them for nothing since the manager admitted they are not alowed to sell tarantulas like that, so I cant imagion what else they will do with it. But for the sake of the t and the sake of the uneducated kids that work there I am willing to pay for it. The guy sticking his hand in there was lucky to get out of it without getting bit.


Old Timer
Jul 29, 2007
Good call!

It's really good that you had to take a look at that T. You probably saved some little kid from buying a T he would try to hold, then ended up in the hospital. :(
Way to go:D :D

Hope you get it for the $10 :D


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
i have actually seen several P. murinus in pet stores over the years... The second spider I ever owned was an OBT from a pet store.. Back then I was one of those young, naive kids who didn't really know anything about them. However, I never had any problems with it... I miss that spider... :(


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
A)Shakes head at Petshop.

B)I feel like the only person who has never seen an OBT in a pet store. I feel cheated.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
Oh PS- You totally should have wagered that bet.
"If I'm right, I get $100.00 worth of free merchandise from here."

I would have worked that to my advantage more. Feast on their ego.


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
LOL Unreal. I too was certain the story would include how the clerk got tagged.

I hear those OPSK are really interesting. That is if you can coax them out of their, (cough--it's catching) BARK chips. :wall: :wall: :wall:


Feb 27, 2008
Good Job Probably Saved Some Young Kid From A Nasty Bite.....and As Far As The Idiot Store Clerk ,,,,,,,,,when I Was A Child My Father Would See Some One Do Something Dumb Like That And Would Look Down At Me And Say ,,,,,,,,you Know Son ,sometimes It Takes A Special Kind Of Stupid! Lol..


Old Timer
May 23, 2007
I don't know where that manager got his information from, because Petco can do a special order and get any T that there supplier has. I know that a couple months ago I could have ordered a H. lividum(which is just as dangerous as an OBT).



Arachnosupporter +
Nov 8, 2007
Sometimes I take for granted having a really nice privately owned shop to go to, and monthly reptile shows with legit dealers only an hour away...


Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
Just to be pedantic, my housemate has an A. seemani which is kind of orangey. I think he's just well due a moult tho, and it's nowhere near the orange of an OBT.

Good job on checking it out and standing your ground against people who obviously don't know anything. I always chicken out when shop employess get their info wrong :eek: This one store I've started going to, the guy who is in charge of the Ts is obviously quite into it and put a lot of effort into their tanks and stuff, but some of their basic information is wrong (he got African/American species mixed up. Thought that Chilean Rose comes from Africa :rolleyes: Also mixed up the labels on a P. regalis and a P. cambridgei, and has a H. lividum on 2" of dirt.) But I didn't have the guts to tell him. He admitted to being more of a snake guy so I don't know why I didn't just say "I've got loads of spiders, can I give you some advice?", but I always feel like they'll think I'm being a jerk. Maybe when I go back I will take incentive from you and speak up.

Anyway, good work. I hope you get it for free. And I hope they replace it with something a bit more appropriate! It amazes me that some shops don't seem to do ANY research on animals that they know nothing about.


Old Timer
Jul 29, 2007
Well my experience with an uneducated pet store owner ended well for both me and my OBT. The owner had told me that the OBT was a female and wanted $16.00 for it. After brief inspection I clearly saw his hooks. I explained to the owner that he was no doubt a male and would only live a month or so. I talked him down to $8.00 for the T and a crap load of crickets :D

Little did he know I already had a girlfriend lined up for him ;P


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Try saying something like "Would you mind if I gave you a couple of tips? I've been keeping tarantula's for a while and i think i could help you care for them a little better."

If you ASK if you can talk about it then it makes them the A-hole for not wanting to talk to a customer. Nobody wants to ba an A-hole.

Nicks, see if you can keep some sort of dialogue going with that manager. Sometimes it doesn't take much to make a difference. You can keep most t's healthy with a very short list of basic guidelines. It's not rocket science and once they know that things could turn around.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2007
I can totaly understand the chain store issue. I have recently been called to three local petstroes that are part of a chain. to take nasty t's off their hands. One was a "blue phase" g rosa that turned out to be an h. livi and two turned out to be just real g rosas that where in a nasty mood.


Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
I can totaly understand the chain store issue. I have recently been called to three local petstroes that are part of a chain. to take nasty t's off their hands. One was a "blue phase" g rosa that turned out to be an h. livi and two turned out to be just real g rosas that where in a nasty mood.
A blue phase G. rosea. Good grief {D

Travis K

Old Timer
Jan 6, 2007
Yeah I went to a petsmart and they had a poor little G. rosea climbing the glass cause the bed-a-beast was litterally sopping wet. or my favorite one is when they put T's on sand and have those nasty sponges.

here is something off topic but ralated to watering. My leopard geckos drrink form this,

It's really cute. Hmmm think T's will do that? LOL, I don't.


Old Timer
Aug 10, 2007
I find it amusing when petshops make up names...Like oh, this one place not too far from me, I've forgotten the name, but I get wicked deals there just for going along with them. {D I've seen things for sale in there with labels you wouldn't believe, like a C. fasciatum as "South American Halloween Spider" or crap like that. It's really quite funny.

BTW, I had no idea a leo would drink from one of those. That's really interesting.