ok u trapdoor keepers...got some questions


Old Timer
Dec 20, 2002
alright im thinking of catching some california trap door spiders and need some help locating their burrows. What exactly should i look for? about how big around are they? Color? Also, if i can get specifics on caring it would be great also. Is it ok to go looking for them even though it rained heavily a few days ago or should i wait until everything is dry?

If i cant manage to find one ill just buy one at LLLrepiles....it only a 20 min drive

thnx for all the info. Its greatly apreciated!


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2002
Any female trap door I ever found, I found by accident. I got 2 really nice ones digging in my own backyard, another was brought to me by a contractor doing a dig out for a new house foundation, and one I found digging for worms in the woods while fishing last year. That silk lined burrow just sticks out like a sore thumb on the side of a shovel cut... really. I spotted it easy and just kept digging till I broke apart the right clod of dirt and found the spider. I have found males a few times just crawling around the ground, prolly looking for some lovins. :)

They really do look like a little, hairless tarantulas, but with every bit of the attitude. I have about a 2" female that was not a happy camper when I moved her to a new home. Full threat, fangs and all... I can't remeber who said it, but she is certainly "one of those spiders that is unhappy just to be alive".

I give my mine deep substrate in a Beanie Box. I mist here and there and use a small syringe to "inject" water through holes I have drilled in the side close to the bottom. This keep the substrate moist down low without having to saturate things. I put in a meal worm in once a month or so, and then I'll let a small cricket run around on the substrate for a few days every other weekish. Once in a while the cricket dissappears. I was able witness it once, was over quick... but very impressive to watch nonetheless. If it wasn't for the fact that they burrow right to the bottom and hang out there, I wouldn't even know she was alive.

Not much of a "display" kind of spider, but really cool for the hobbiest IMO...


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by Paladin
alright im thinking of catching some california trap door spiders and need some help locating their burrows. What exactly should i look for? about how big around are they? Color? Also, if i can get specifics on caring it would be great also. Is it ok to go looking for them even though it rained heavily a few days ago or should i wait until everything is dry?

If i cant manage to find one ill just buy one at LLLrepiles....it only a 20 min drive

thnx for all the info. Its greatly apreciated!
I read somewhere that if you bury a glass in the middle of the enclosure it will force the spider to burrow near the sides so it can be viewed, but for trap door spiders if they line the burrow with silk you probably wont be able to view them.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002

That's the way I've allways done it. I use a round container and find annother, smaller diameter round object and bury that in the middle. The spider burrows near the side.

They do silk over it alot, but you can at least see well enough to check that the spider's still alive!

I like Arachniphile's method of injecting water! That's something I'm going to have to try next time I need to set one up.



Old Timer
Dec 20, 2002
thanks guys ill probably go hunting today...ill tell u guys if i get one

Alex S.

Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Bothriocyrtum californicum

The scientific name of the common California trapdoor is Bothriocyrtum californicum.

Alex S.