Ohio Reptile Laws


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
The problem with permits for owning or breeding animals is that the issuing of said permits is more often than not controlled by people who are opposed to keeping/breeding animals, period. Now, do you think that they will make it reasonable for people to obtain permits to do something that they don't want people to be able to do in the first place? The HSUS is trying VERY hard to integrate themselves into state, local and Federal government, with quite a good bit of success. The whole rationale of "permits" for such people, and the government officials in their very well-stocked pockets, is to make it as difficult as possible for anyone to keep animals, of any kind, for any reason. By making their requirements for owning/breeding animals so difficult or so expensive to obtain, they effectively eliminate animal ownership for all but a small, select minority. Most of the people in charge of making, and enforcing, such laws, are of a mind-set that animal owners, and especially anyone who breeds or sells animals, of any kind, are the scum of the earth, anyway, and most of these people actually know very little about animals, so they are in no position to honestly determine who can, and who can't, keep animals, based on the potential keepers' knowledge or expertise. Ultimately, it comes down to who can afford to jump through the legal hoops, and being rich and having "connections" does not indicate how much you know about animals, or what experience you have, or how responsible you will be.



Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
The problem with permits for owning or breeding animals is that the issuing of said permits is more often than not controlled by people who are opposed to keeping/breeding animals, period. Now, do you think that they will make it reasonable for people to obtain permits to do something that they don't want people to be able to do in the first place? The HSUS is trying VERY hard to integrate themselves into state, local and Federal government, with quite a good bit of success. The whole rationale of "permits" for such people, and the government officials in their very well-stocked pockets, is to make it as difficult as possible for anyone to keep animals, of any kind, for any reason. By making their requirements for owning/breeding animals so difficult or so expensive to obtain, they effectively eliminate animal ownership for all but a small, select minority. Most of the people in charge of making, and enforcing, such laws, are of a mind-set that animal owners, and especially anyone who breeds or sells animals, of any kind, are the scum of the earth, anyway, and most of these people actually know very little about animals, so they are in no position to honestly determine who can, and who can't, keep animals, based on the potential keepers' knowledge or expertise. Ultimately, it comes down to who can afford to jump through the legal hoops, and being rich and having "connections" does not indicate how much you know about animals, or what experience you have, or how responsible you will be.

I dont know pbl, I have an alligator permit for exhibit, it is difficult to get an alligator permit for exhibit. But I gained the experience necessary for it, it took a long time. I am open to inspections and have to follow caging requirements and file travel permits. I dont mind this because I have nothing to hide and I can perform my presentations with peace of mind. The law helps from "yahoos" getting out of control and ruining it for everybody else. Sure, you have the occasional twit that is ignorant but they are dealt with.