Oddest Thing


Old Timer
Apr 21, 2007
I'm sorry if this has been done before, i searched and couldn't find anything like it.
I thought i would start a thread of the weirdest thing our T's have done. So what is the weirdest thing one of you T's has done.
I moved my G. rosea (Nert) into a new tank today and i had a small hollow half log filled with dirt in there. She dug just about all the dirt out of it. After a bit she seems to be settled in so i toss a cricket in. She comes out of her log attacks but the cricket gets away. Then about 30 sec later the cricket goes into the log. Nert comes out and webs close the opening. Then to top it off starts to pile dirt up and bury the log. I just checked and she has it totaling buried.


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2005
I've had a few, all of them involving my T. blondis.

Se7en: Blondi: Tilts pushes his waterdish to the front of the cage, flips it, and faces the bowl towards the outside when it is empty. (He's the only one of all my spiders who has done this. This happens only when there is no water is the dish.)

Aky: Blondi: Full size female adult. She molted right side up. I have seen this before in smaller Ts and juveniles, but never a full size blondi.

Dreyka: Blondi: I threw a mouse in her cage. The mouse dodged her a few times. Then the mouse ran head first into her, jumped in the air, and Dreyka caught in in flight. It was beaitufl.

Dreyka + Male from loan: I threw in a mouse on feeding day. Dreyka killed it and began eating it. The next day, the male had it in his fangs. A few hours later, he was mating with Dreyka while the mouse was still in his fangs. (I have a few pictures of this).

Dreyka + Same male: About two weeks after the previous account, I went into my T room to find Dreyka dead with the male's fangs in her carapace and he was drumming, tapping, dancing, and doing everything to try and mate with her.

Water spider

Old Timer
Apr 24, 2006
My B.smithi is always doing weird stuff...

Last time I changed her to a bigger terrarium, I decorated it with artificial plants. During the next night she had uprooted all of them and turned them upside down.


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2005
I just remembered another one.

Pamphobeteus antinous: When I first got her as a baby, I gave her a cut out, upside down deli cup as a hide. She proceeded to walk around her tank like a turtle for quite some time. That was probably the funniest thing I had ever seen in my tarantula room.


Old Timer
Apr 21, 2007
I just remembered another one.

Pamphobeteus antinous: When I first got her as a baby, I gave her a cut out, upside down deli cup as a hide. She proceeded to walk around her tank like a turtle for quite some time. That was probably the funniest thing I had ever seen in my tarantula room.
I bet that was pretty cool


Jun 5, 2007
On occasion my B Smithi scales the viv walls and sticks a leg through the ventilation holes, wiggles a bit as if to say hello...


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2006
My old smithi hiding under her cactus water dish. :p I miss her so much.



Old Timer
Mar 2, 2007
Male smithi

My B.smithi is always doing weird stuff...

Last time I changed her to a bigger terrarium, I decorated it with artificial plants. During the next night she had uprooted all of them and turned them upside down.

My big male smithi went on a tear a couple weeks ago and moved all his plants around, and then took apart his cork hide. It was made of 3 pieces of corkbark, and he totally removed the top piece and dragged it to the other end of the tank, wish I could have seen it, it's about 3 times his size. He seems happy with his new skylight so I left it. He rarely uses his hide anyway, so no big deal.


Old Timer
May 6, 2007
my black velvet has bearied her self, she is gone, the only way i can she her is because she has dug all the way up to the side of the glass tank, she is well and truly stuck, she is happy and well tho, but she has completly boxed her self in!

also, i put a locyst in my salm,on pinks tank and i droped it right out side her hide, as if fell, she came out and rested on top of it, and that was it, they were both like that for at least 30 mins, untill the locyst moved and the salmon pink snatched it up!

and also, i seen a locyst happaly siting on my friends chilean rose that im looking after leg, and the tarantula was just waving that leg slowy trying to get it off. (but thats the chilean rose that has somthing wrong with her, as stated in prevease threads)

pete :D


Old Timer
Mar 22, 2007
So I only have one female B. Smithi and she has done quite a few odd things.

She has rested on top of crickets, she has climbed to the top of her tank and stuck her fangs out of the vents and made a grinding noise. She turned her hide completely right side up. Also, she recently molted. A week after she molted, I noticed that she took her little "molting carpet" that she made and started actually rolling it up as if she was going to store it somewhere. After I fed her a cricket, she had it in her mouth and she walked around and unrolled the "carpet", but almost in a pissed off manner...she looked frusterated, but it was cute. I made a little video of it :p