I've have an adult female Buthus occitanus that has a one pedipalp that it can not use due to an injury. This kind of makes it a special needs scorpion. It has difficulty moving around and catching prey. I use forceps to feed the scorpion. Anyway, the scorpion displays some odd behavior. It will come and sit directly under the heat lamp. Every morning as soon as the heat lamp turns on it will crawl out from under it's scrape and "basks" under the light. It only leaves to go back to it's scrape once the heat light goes off. The scorpion does not come out when the light is off. Even my H. spadix and H. arzonensis do not display behavior like this. Is this normal? The other three B. occitanus I have do not doe this. Any ideas or info will be greatly appreciated.
W. Smith
W. Smith