OBT pairing this week. any advice?


Sep 21, 2023
Greetings everyone! I have an OBT, Luigi that recently molted his final molt, emboli and hooks out for all to see. Obviously I don't have much longer with him, and since he wants to do nothing but mate, I felt like it was right to let him perform his duties and his final wishes. A trusted friend with some experience who lives around 30 minutes away has a female OBT he said was available, and was willing to allow me to bring my male. Thursday is when I'll bring him. I trust him to keep Luigi safe for the next coming weeks and since he's recently molted, he hasn't made his sperm web yet. Off-topic but these things grow devilishly fast, from sling to maturation in 8 months for me!

I'm not gonna actually be around for the mating process, since it'll still take a minute for him to make his sperm web. Is there anything I should note or expect? I know that unfortunately Thursday will be the last time I see Luigi, and the friend and I both agreed 50/50 was fine. Here's some pictures of Luigi to act as a tribute, so to speak.





Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Are you prepared to feed etc little slings and have a plan to get rid of them?


Sep 21, 2023
Are you prepared to feed etc little slings and have a plan to get rid of them?
Yep, I told him I would be more than happy to help take care of the little guys, especially when they're young. He owns a spider shop online, so he would be selling the slings once they get big enough. I do wanna keep a few of the slings since they'd be Luigi's offspring.
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Spider Wrangler
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Just prepare yourself for the possibility that the pairing may ultimately result in nothing. The female could decide she's not interested in mating but is interested in a meal, then the little guy gets munched before he's even had a chance to do his thing. Hopefully your partner has some experience and knows how to judge willingness by both specimens, but I've had a few males that I've loaned out get chomped before they did their duty. That's why I don't do loans anymore, only sales.

Otherwise, you got the easy part - deliver spider, collect cash. LOL.


Oct 13, 2011
Just prepare yourself for the possibility that the pairing may ultimately result in nothing. The female could decide she's not interested in mating but is interested in a meal, then the little guy gets munched before he's even had a chance to do his thing. Hopefully your partner has some experience and knows how to judge willingness by both specimens, but I've had a few males that I've loaned out get chomped before they did their duty. That's why I don't do loans anymore, only sales.

Otherwise, you got the easy part - deliver spider, collect cash. LOL.
The only mm I ever managed to sell was a lp and it got munched the guy tried breeding it said. Other than that nothing would sell locally 🥲


Sep 21, 2023
The only mm I ever managed to sell was a lp and it got munched the guy tried breeding it said. Other than that nothing would sell locally 🥲
Agreed, thats why I'm trying to build these connections while I can now; especially because I think breeding these amazing creatures is a fun and enlightening experience, despite a lot of work. Also a plus, more tarantulas in the hobby circulation means less have to be plucked from the wild!

Just prepare yourself for the possibility that the pairing may ultimately result in nothing. The female could decide she's not interested in mating but is interested in a meal, then the little guy gets munched before he's even had a chance to do his thing. Hopefully your partner has some experience and knows how to judge willingness by both specimens, but I've had a few males that I've loaned out get chomped before they did their duty. That's why I don't do loans anymore, only sales.

Otherwise, you got the easy part - deliver spider, collect cash. LOL.
Oh absolutely, I am still gonna care for a couple dozen of the slings after hatching though, once they show signs of that trademark yellow they're off my hands haha


Oct 13, 2011
Agreed, thats why I'm trying to build these connections while I can now; especially because I think breeding these amazing creatures is a fun and enlightening experience, despite a lot of work. Also a plus, more tarantulas in the hobby circulation means less have to be plucked from the wild!

Oh absolutely, I am still gonna care for a couple dozen of the slings after hatching though, once they show signs of that trademark yellow they're off my hands haha
Best of luck breeding none of my egg sack ever survived, most attempts led to nothing. Perhaps I just had bad luck.. then wasted males ℹ couldn’t afford to ship


Nov 28, 2023
Nice Look'n OBT MM.
Nice of You to let Him "Go Out With a Bang"


Sep 21, 2023
Best of luck breeding none of my egg sack ever survived, most attempts led to nothing. Perhaps I just had bad luck.. then wasted males ℹ couldn’t afford to ship
I'm so sorry about that man, it's a tough process. Luckily I don't really have the shipping issues because as aforementioned, the guys only 30 minutes away, and I don't mind driving.

Nice Look'n OBT MM.
Nice of You to let Him "Go Out With a Bang"
I mean, he doesn't wanna do anything else, so why not..