Not snake food...


Old Timer
Jan 1, 2008
Not to mention the damage that a cat could do to your snake. I mean, rats can be really bad and at least you don't have to worry about their claws. So basically, only total idiots would do that. Because, for the safety of the snake, you would need to stun or kill the kitten first, and then, that's just a person killing a kitten, which doesn't seem macho at all. I would, however, love to see someone try to catch a feral cat and it to their snake. {D


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2005
I have been threatening my cats with feeding em to my snakes for years, and they STILL claw the furniture


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
I must be innocent or completely thoughtless because that never even crossed my mind before.
I have 8 snakes, soon to be 9, and 2 of them are red tail boas, so they are reasonably sized.
I've heard of rats, mice, guinea pigs, piglets, quail and even those weird snake sausages offered for food, but never a kitten or a puppy!!!!!!!!!!
I'm really suprised, although I guess I shouldn't be. I just can't see where that would be good for the snake.


Old Timer
Feb 23, 2008
I wouldn't either.... I like cats, and I dislike rats. Difference is that I don't feel the need to dump that on anyone else, and I realize that it's the same in the end so I can spare anyone the holier-than-thou treatment due their differing preference.
This is the most sense in this entire thread.

What people feed their snakes or spiders or scorpions or centipedes or children is right or wrong based on perspective. You can't make a logical argument for or against most food, people feel differently what is right or wrong.

To bad those who disagree so much with their "macho" seem to be those who most bolster their video's views.
People whining and crying about what they do only encourages it, they're trying to push buttons and get a reaction. It's too bad people are too dumb to realize that "feeding trolls" only makes it worse.

I, personally, think it's funny because it gets such an irrational rise. I don't think that I could feed any mammal to a critter just to piss others off (but I would if thats what the critter eats), but I'm not about to tell others what to do. Where logic stops, culture begins, and I respect others' cultures as long as they don't trample on mine, or shove it in my face.


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
I love watching the youtube vids of snakes eating bunnies, because I dont like bunnies. (I dont think feeding bunnies rats ect is cruel, though cats and dogs are pushing it) But anyways I really hope people are not feeding kittens or puppies to snakes. After all there are much better feeders out there.


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
I wouldn't either.... I like cats, and I dislike rats.
See, I am the opposite, not that i really like rats, but i strongly dislike cats. House cats at least. they are absolutely useless, and will kill anything they can. I would love to see domestic cats go extinct by any means necessary. Or at least, be contained within a house. so they cant kill the birds i am finally getting attracted to my yard like the painted buntings...

As far as "macho" youtubers.... They're douches....
I suppose, that I could point out that douches are actually useful. I really cant see how the video posters in question are, so by that standard they can not be douches. Even turds are useful... maybe they are something about as good as silicone implants on a zombie.