But first i like to show my Grammostola rosea terra....blooming....
she actually lives up in the root, not under it.....
A shoot of my Brachypelma verdezi, i think it's cool even if all the picture isn't in focus
A couple of Nhandu colloratovillosum shoots:
My Aphonopelma caniceps looks like she's gonna explode soon...
Brachypelma boehmei 4 cm juv newmolted
The geniculata have to show herself
Female Lasiodora parahybana
And the last one today is my three year old son with his first spider(a rubber one this time, but the next one..........) look at his t-shirt and necklace.
He is very helpful during feedingtime, helping with the roaches and watering the terras.
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