Hi all. Thanks again for the Coments
yeah my collection has grown abit from the one Rosie Sling i bought about 9months ago, to what i have know
Just some more pics. hope you like,
So nobody going to coment on my Photo's .
Just kiding,,
Hear are a few pics of my First Mating atempt hope you like, Not the best pics as i didn't want to disturb them
Yeah i mated him the next day .. Not sure if anything will come from them though,, The female hasn't molted in about 5months and was looking pretty fat, and she Still hasn't eaten anything since they mated..
Just some pics i got of 2 of my T's molting ..
Hope you Like,,
Please feel free to coment .. Good or bad i don't mind
Hi all. Just some more Pics.. Only got 2 avics in my collection at the moment. A female A.versicolor and A Female A.avicularia. so hear are some pictures of the 2.
Hope you like..
Yeah starting to Love avics again, Just all this Talk about Them just dying, still deciding if i want to get more .
Thanks rochin yeah it has grown a lot LOL.. i think i have about 160 or so now, and still looking to get more LOL..
Hear are some more pics ..
My 2 new Ladies, 2 mature males and 2 other's i thought i should post (not the best pics though )
Wow, you really captured the color on your versi well. I don't use flash much so i'll try to do the same with my purple form female.
How big did you say your hysterocrates male was? One of my females just molted a couple days ago, she might be big enough to breed if that male isn't too large. she grew quite a bit with her last molt.
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