Niagara Falls Aquarium

Elytra and Antenna

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2002
Niagara falls aquarium was opened in 1965. It is a pretty small aquarium but they've added on stingray petting pools, a jellyfish aquarium room, and a very nice reef tank. Jellyfish and coral propagation wasn't part of the original aquarium as it wasn't possible at that time. They have giant coldwater anemones and starfish. A unique display I've never seen before is the life cycle of cuttlefish from eggs to young and adults on display. I don't think anyone worked out breeding the big coldwater species but small tropical species are being bred easily through at least six generations. Outside the aquarium are asphalt pedestrian walkways with Narceus giant millipeds walking around in the middle of the day, though the majority are smashed by joggers with an obvious bent for destruction. These little guys seem to get the same ire as snakes (people going off the road just to hit them). Also saw some giant leopard slugs next to the trail.

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Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
LoL, I took a college course down the road from there at NCCC back in the day; had the pleasure of swimming in that main center "tank" with their Sea Lions...even floated on a little tube, throwing fish from a bucket up in the air, & they'd jump out to catch them. It was a real hole in the wall menagerie for decades, I'm glad to see them on the receiving end of some much needed funding.
Those pedestrian walkways you speak of are now connected to the Gorge Trail, & Art Park on the other end in Lewiston, now...all three are great first dates, LoL.

Imagine my surprise opening the spider forum, & seeing my old stomping grounds referenced...

Many thanks, friend!


Arachnosupporter +
Nov 28, 2023
Been to the New England Aquarium in Bean Town, many years ago.
Have always wanted to visit " Sea World "
3 Locations Now - Orlando, San Antonio, San Diego.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Been to the New England Aquarium in Bean Town, many years ago.
Have always wanted to visit " Sea World "
3 Locations Now - Orlando, San Antonio, San Diego.
My closest maybe only Ohio Sea World went out of business I saw it once long before I had a phone camera so no pics . Not sure if anyone took any with a regular camera . With my knee issues I can barely walk around a zoo , but I managed the Akron one but smog closed down a lot of the best animals so I missed them . Lions etc ..🥲
Niagara falls aquarium was opened in 1965. It is a pretty small aquarium but they've added on stingray petting pools, a jellyfish aquarium room, and a very nice reef tank. Jellyfish and coral propagation wasn't part of the original aquarium as it wasn't possible at that time. They have giant coldwater anemones and starfish. A unique display I've never seen before is the life cycle of cuttlefish from eggs to young and adults on display. I don't think anyone worked out breeding the big coldwater species but small tropical species are being bred easily through at least six generations. Outside the aquarium are asphalt pedestrian walkways with Narceus giant millipeds walking around in the middle of the day, though the majority are smashed by joggers with an obvious bent for destruction. These little guys seem to get the same ire as snakes (people going off the road just to hit them). Also saw some giant leopard slugs next to the trail.

View attachment 474171 ItIt's a smaller,
nice photos !