Next big thing in the reptile hobby?


May 28, 2012
I was making a point. No one one sells black rhinos, but I was saying that just because some breeders aren't conservationists, doesn't mean that they can go around breeding for morphs in endangered/vulnerable/threatened animals.
Whether we like it or agree with it or not, they *can* do what they wish. If people feel so strongly about raising pure lines, join the ranks of those breeders dealing with pure bloodlines. And only buy from those that do. Simple. But there's no moral highground simply because you dislike a woma/ball python or super dwarf lavender albino retic.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Great but that doesn't make you "better" nor those people who like hybrids "worse".
I never wrote either, nor implied it.

There are some people who make true locality hybrids that truly do keep meticulous records, are knowledgeable, and are leaders with the species they breed. I've only met one. As I said before, that type of breeder is far outnumbered by those who don't and don't care about the hobby.
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pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
personally i think hybrids can look nice.. CAN but does not mean you should do it.. i understand some lines of genes are hard to come by with all the laws now. and ill admit the burmball i liked.. but how it came along should not have happened..nor should it really happen again.. and yes i understand not everyone wants a big 9ft+ snake like a burm. or they want a ball python whos bigger and still tame [this is where you select breed imho] but not try and hybrid them....

i do believe it can ruin blood lines.. nowadays when i go to a show and im looking at BPs like 40% either are hidden gene woma. or are from a hgw pairing... and i dont encourage it obviously.. and i never see a arboreal snake thats 100% one species it seems if i do its a display the kind of guy to find beauty in almost any morph.. especially the normal mutations[wild albino lucy]... and yes we find "dinkers" and yes it makes the hobby interesting but form my knowledge we havent found a dinker who was a hybrid.. so why encourage it..

but i think vipers right those who do it outnumber those who are completely one species [excluding those who invest in hybrids for any other reason then display] and thats what ruins it


May 28, 2012
I never wrote either, nor implied it.

There are some people who make true locality hybrids that truly do keep meticulous records, are knowledgeable, and are leaders with the species they breed. I've only met one. As I said before, that type of breeder is far outnumbered by those who don't and don't care about the hobby.
Yeah, but that's common - the adequate (or less than adequate) outnumber the quality.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
I have some albino and het albino western hogs that'll be ready to breed this season, once they're out of brumation. I've definitely seen them more and more at shows lately. Also, crested geckos are EVERYWHERE here in Baltimore (as are ball pythons of course....). Last show I went to there were more crested gecko breeders than there were leopard geckos; and gargoyle geckos and leachies were on the rise. I also saw a decline in bearded dragons.

Someone once mentioned toad headed agamas would be a thing someday. It was probably just them trying to sell them at the show, but they were pretty chill lizards. I keep finding more and more people I speak with wanting pet tegus (I have two who were both rehomes, myself), but honestly I don't see too many people being able to actually house or care for one. Not like a leopard gecko or bearded dragon...


Jul 22, 2013
When I went to a show recently there were very few leopard geckos but crested geckos were everywhere. And ball pythons along with other kinds of pythons made up the biggest group of animals there. I think I only saw bearded dragons once.