Well I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been reading the forums for about a week.
About 3 weeks ago I went to the Pottstown show with a friend so she could get some frogs. While she was looking I noticed a table with some T's. I went over and looked around and saw he had a few Scorps. I had always been facinated by Scorps and started talking to the guy. I decided I would get a Scorp. It was between the Desert Hairy and the Emperor. Well he made me an offer to take the emperor's, 4 for $25 (2 male, 2 female). I didn't plan on getting 4 but couldn't refuse a deal.
I followed his instructions and bought a light, a 10 gallon tank with screen lid, some vermiculite and some jungle mix. I put them in the tank and I must say I was disappointed. I realize they are nocturnal but for a week I saw the same one out maybe twice. My humidity was 80% and temp was roughly 80deg. I decided to investigate to make sure they were still alive. I lifted the half log that they hide under and saw all three scurry away. Wait a minute, only three. so I looked and looked. Then I turned on the blacklight. There lied two glowing claws but no body. They had cannabilised the one male. I picked his pieces out. Then they went back to hiding for another week.
Well, I finally found this site and read about how you guys keep yours. Went out today, bought natural potting soil, thin pcv pipe, aquarium gravel, and a sheet of lexan. I came home and scooped out the Scorps and put them in my critter carrier. Dumped out the jungle mix and began my project. I layed about a 1/2" layer of gravel at the bottom. Cut two pieces of pvc and stuck them in the corners. I mixed the vermiculite I had left, some potting soil and some other kind of cedar bark substrate I had picked up together with water and made my substrate. I put about 6" of substrate on one side and made a gradual decline to about 3" on the other. I embedded the log they love to hide under on the low side with substrate covering the sides and back. I put some moss on the top.
Well when I was done I put the scorps in and in no time they found their home. Since it was still light out they hid. I figured it would probably be awhile that I would see them, since I probably disrupted them. Well I took a nap. When I woke up, to my surprise all three were out and about. I couldn't believe it. Hopefully now I will see more of them and am glad that my tank looks much better and suits their needs better. I plan on getting a desert scorp soon but figured I should wait to see how I do with these. If anyone has any suggestions for me or any tricks you have learned, feel free to share them with me. If you made it through this whole thing, I thank you for listening to how I found a new obsession.
About 3 weeks ago I went to the Pottstown show with a friend so she could get some frogs. While she was looking I noticed a table with some T's. I went over and looked around and saw he had a few Scorps. I had always been facinated by Scorps and started talking to the guy. I decided I would get a Scorp. It was between the Desert Hairy and the Emperor. Well he made me an offer to take the emperor's, 4 for $25 (2 male, 2 female). I didn't plan on getting 4 but couldn't refuse a deal.
I followed his instructions and bought a light, a 10 gallon tank with screen lid, some vermiculite and some jungle mix. I put them in the tank and I must say I was disappointed. I realize they are nocturnal but for a week I saw the same one out maybe twice. My humidity was 80% and temp was roughly 80deg. I decided to investigate to make sure they were still alive. I lifted the half log that they hide under and saw all three scurry away. Wait a minute, only three. so I looked and looked. Then I turned on the blacklight. There lied two glowing claws but no body. They had cannabilised the one male. I picked his pieces out. Then they went back to hiding for another week.
Well, I finally found this site and read about how you guys keep yours. Went out today, bought natural potting soil, thin pcv pipe, aquarium gravel, and a sheet of lexan. I came home and scooped out the Scorps and put them in my critter carrier. Dumped out the jungle mix and began my project. I layed about a 1/2" layer of gravel at the bottom. Cut two pieces of pvc and stuck them in the corners. I mixed the vermiculite I had left, some potting soil and some other kind of cedar bark substrate I had picked up together with water and made my substrate. I put about 6" of substrate on one side and made a gradual decline to about 3" on the other. I embedded the log they love to hide under on the low side with substrate covering the sides and back. I put some moss on the top.
Well when I was done I put the scorps in and in no time they found their home. Since it was still light out they hid. I figured it would probably be awhile that I would see them, since I probably disrupted them. Well I took a nap. When I woke up, to my surprise all three were out and about. I couldn't believe it. Hopefully now I will see more of them and am glad that my tank looks much better and suits their needs better. I plan on getting a desert scorp soon but figured I should wait to see how I do with these. If anyone has any suggestions for me or any tricks you have learned, feel free to share them with me. If you made it through this whole thing, I thank you for listening to how I found a new obsession.