New to fish......piranhas?


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2006
Geography Guy said:
but even for a highly aggressive fish, if your hands aren't in the water what could it possibly do? BTW those fish you mentioned, are they common ones?

they tend to jump and readily attack any cleaning device presented into the tank but like we all are aware, aggressive doesnt mean you have to be an expert, the fish i mention need a lot of care but if you do your homework i cant see someone not being able to keep them...the fish are how do you say obtainable....but scarcely available and are more common in Florida then here in CA...soo you might want to check the piranha forum classifieds..only because people get them and then want a more communal species......but they are worth getting imo, one actually gets to be 24" yet i have only seen it get 19 maybe 20 in captive tanks.....but if single fish are what you want then yes these are your most piranhas do best in schools of at least 3-7..these are strictly loners

Geography Guy

Old Timer
Mar 15, 2006
sick4x4 said:
they tend to jump and readily attack any cleaning device presented into the tank but like we all are aware, aggressive doesnt mean you have to be an expert, the fish i mention need a lot of care but if you do your homework i cant see someone not being able to keep them...the fish are how do you say obtainable....but scarcely available and are more common in Florida then here in CA...soo you might want to check the piranha forum classifieds..only because people get them and then want a more communal species......but they are worth getting imo, one actually gets to be 24" yet i have only seen it get 19 maybe 20 in captive tanks.....but if single fish are what you want then yes these are your most piranhas do best in schools of at least 3-7..these are strictly loners
I'll have to contact Bill Als as I don't live in the USA so it might be harder for me to get them :(

BTW You really know your stuff :clap:



Old Timer
Mar 3, 2006
thanks i had to do a lot of research when my mom got 3 different species...
also here is a list of states that prohibit piranha possession
California, Nevada, Washington, Utah, Arizona, new Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, so Carolina, no Carolina, Kentucky, Virgina, Massachusetts, new york, Maine, Hawaii......FL and CA you can own with special permits, and you must register them with local police dept and fish and game...
states where piranha have been found in local rivers and lakes: Hawaii, OK, fl, TX, mn, pn
countries were possession is illegal: Australia, china, Indonesia, Mexico, Germany
hope that gives you something to think about!!lol

Geography Guy

Old Timer
Mar 15, 2006
sick4x4 said:
thanks i had to do a lot of research when my mom got 3 different species...
also here is a list of states that prohibit piranha possession
California, Nevada, Washington, Utah, Arizona, new Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, so Carolina, no Carolina, Kentucky, Virgina, Massachusetts, new york, Maine, Hawaii......FL and CA you can own with special permits, and you must register them with local police dept and fish and game...
states where piranha have been found in local rivers and lakes: Hawaii, OK, fl, TX, mn, pn
countries were possession is illegal: Australia, china, Indonesia, Mexico, Germany
hope that gives you something to think about!!lol

why so strict? I heard people let their piranhas go into lakes and rivers with people not sure if that's true though but could that be why? Luckly I'm not in USA, Mexico, Germany, China, Australia or Indonesia :) But according to a pet store I go to, there are no laws on what animals I can own where I live. But seeing how entire countries don't alow them, I'll bet there is at least one law regarding piranhas



Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
If I remember correctly, you are in Orangeville? Control By Law and Amendment.pdf

This bylaw covers what you can and cannot have. The most important bit is Schedule A at the bottom -- no fish on the list, so you can have anything aquatic.

Now, as to pihranas, I see there has been a lot of good advice given. Basically, just go with the biggest tank you can possibly get and you will be fine with a good basic knowledge of aquaria. That means a lot of research, but there are so many good forums, websites and books available I'm sure that won't be a problem.
