Taxonomy rep? By the As and Van, I hope I've not such a rep as I'm sure as Hel not a taxonomist nor have any desire to ever be one! I think this will be my last taxonomically-directed post.
I've just got the one female. (If she's not a female, she's the fattest male I've ever seen and would have absolutely no reason to crank her abdomen to the sky toward the heat lamp )
My daughter is an avid admirer of the Scorpionidae and keeps several morphs of both, glabrifrons and wahlbergii and keeps them in similar conditions to what we use to maintain Hadrurus spp.
She uses standard glass 5.5 gallon aquaria with 7" of sand/clay-based soil mix that has been thoroughly moistened, compacted and allowed to dry for a week. She then places a few flat rocks on the substrate surface to provide temporary retreats until the scorp excavates a burrow.
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