new Pokies arrived today!


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
my new pokies arrived today (3) 1'' P. regalis, and (1) 2.5-3'' P. striata! the little regalis's are pretty mellow, but the p. striata looks menacing ,lol, awesome looking to, i been trying to sex it agaisnt glass, so far i see what appears to be a slit or lips and i don't see any fusillae, but i think i'm gonna still need a pocket microscope to make sure, well this brings my collection of pokies up to 10(i need more lol), this will be awesome if if the p. striata is a female, moving the striata in to its little kritter keeper on its side was no easy feet either felt like i was gonna have a heart attack, (i'm gonna call it a she) she seems much much more skittish than any of my other poies beside p. rufilata, she is super fast kinda scary, she also seems to me a little stocky comapred to ther poecs. anyone else think this about striata?--Jeff


Old Timer
Dec 3, 2002
Yeah the pocket microscope will do the trick. As far as pokes, I am not experienced with sexing Pokes via the e. fusillae other than a few regalis specimens and all have been female. The thing is, is that with many male species, the e. fusillae is sometimes about the same color as the surrounding hair (such as A. seemanni to name one), not an obvious darker patch like male b. smithi or albop. So when I started using the pocket micro., It really forced me to find the actual fusillae rather than look for a darker spot. The vast majority of my experience is with Brachy's, Avics and Aphono's as far as this method goes, and have been religiously using it since the writings came out on it a few years ago. Just look at as many specimens as you can and like I said really concentrate on finding the fusillae rather than only looking for a darker spot, as you will find it is not always darker. If you don't already have the info on this method, go to Rick's site, and check it out.

Take Care, Dean


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Pokies tend to be really really easy to tell... definatly a color and texture difference.


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002

well this is what i see on the p. striata so far, there appears to be a thin slit that kinda resebles lips sorta, there is a thin white line on them(when veiwed in good light) i see no odd looking or out of place hairs around that region, inbetween each book lung there is a kinda bump, i think i'm gonna take one of the pokies i have and put it a conatiner ext to it a see if i can find any differences or do it until i do, gotta get that pokect microscope soon, hey if anyone is intested i saw some on e-bay for cheap like 100X pocket microscope with light for like 11.99, and some other really powerful ones, thanks--Jeff


Haunting Spider
Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
About sexing...

Hi all!
This is the underside of my B. smithi. It's a male, right?

And here are my two T. blondis' molted skins