New pink toe!


Feb 10, 2011
New pink toe! pics now!

I am totally new to spiders in general and decided to go with a pink toe tarantula. I have a five gallon tank on it's side so it's vertical and tall. I put a big branch from the top to bottom diagonally and a plant. My bedding is tropical soil coconut husk stuff that came in a brick and my water dish is about the size of the tarantula. How big do most pink toes get? Are they smaller than rose haired ones? When you feed yours, how does it find it's food? It just sits at the top of the log and looks bored. It doesn't seem like it can find food! How long did it take for you to hold your tarantula? I am very afraid of handling it! I was putting it in it's cage from the pet store and I was so nervous! I guess I will wear gloves. What I'm really worried about is it jumping because the store worker said they jump and are fast. I thought they were good for beginners!
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Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
I am totally new to spiders in general and decided to go with a pink toe tarantula. I have a five gallon tank on it's side so it's vertical and tall. I put a big branch from the top to bottom diagonally and a plant. My bedding is tropical soil coconut husk stuff that came in a brick and my water dish is about the size of the tarantula. How big do most pink toes get? Are they smaller than rose haired ones? When you feed yours, how does it find it's food? It just sits at the top of the log and looks bored. It doesn't seem like it can find food! How long did it take for you to hold your tarantula? I am very afraid of handling it! I was putting it in it's cage from the pet store and I was so nervous! I guess is will wear gloves. What I'm really worried about is it jumping because the store worker said they jump and are fast. I thought they were good for beginners!
I never handle ours. As jumpy as they can be,it just is not worth the risk of having it drop and injure itself..IMHO...They can get to about 5 inches when mature.Use the biggest water dish you can jam in there,and it will be quite happy.Put one halfway up one side of the enclosure as well...As far as feeding,it will find the food.Avicularia really do not do too much in all honesty.all of ours just sit in their tubes or on the side of their tanks.


Old Timer
Nov 1, 2010
I handle mine. She is speedy when she wants to be, but usually she chills out as long as I am calm. Avicularia avicularia are easy to take care of, and I love to watch mine web.


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
When I had A. avic. I never handled mine. It depends on it's size whether or not the enclosure is the right size. Handling is always stressful during the re-housing process.

Did you search the forums to find care instructions for avics? They like humidity, but no too much. With that in mind, consider using fake plants and monitoring your coconut fiber substrate for mold as well. They will eat when they're ready, as with all T's. How big is this T and how how big is the tank?

I just bought from great products!


Feb 10, 2011
I don't really want to handle her like just for fun. How am I supposed to move her when I am cleaning her cage or changing habitats? How big is yours abdomen? Mine is pretty small that's why I think it is young. Yours webs? Every other day I see a a white liquid that she must have squirted or shot on the side of the tank that drips down the side. It's weird!

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------

I have fake plants and the tank is a regular shaped five gallon tank that is ABOUT two feet high (a little less) and maybe a little more than a half a foot wide. Everywhere I read said five gallon tanks are pretty good. The soil stuff it decently moist, not soaked. I did watch a few videos but there weren't many good ones about pink toes.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
I don't really want to handle her like just for fun. How am I supposed to move her when I am cleaning her cage or changing habitats? How big is yours abdomen? Mine is pretty small that's why I think it is young. Yours webs? Every other day I see a a white liquid that she must have squirted or shot on the side of the tank that drips down the side. It's weird!

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------

I have fake plants and the tank is a regular shaped five gallon tank that is ABOUT two feet high (a little less) and maybe a little more than a half a foot wide. Everywhere I read said five gallon tanks are pretty good. The soil stuff it decently moist, not soaked. I did watch a few videos but there weren't many good ones about pink toes.
When I have to move them I transfer them in deli cups,not by hand.


Feb 10, 2011
Thanks you! I didn't think of deli cups! I kept thinking of a net or something similar to that but I thought it would injure it. How often do you feed yours? Some say every other day and some say once a week.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
I feed ours once a week,but everyone has their own preference.


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
yes deli cups are the best way of transfer. Some peeps keep a large fish net or butterfly net around for those sneaky escape attempts :}

that white liquid is poo and welcome to the world of owning an avic. They poop everywhere!

Feeding it once a week is fine, but the more you feed the more cleaning required for the remains.

About how big is it? It's prey size and feeding depends on size as well. Avics generally eat well. I'd advise doing an Avic care search on the forums.


Feb 10, 2011
I will get a picture up soon but are all avics pink toed? Mine has little orangish pinkish feet and is pretty much all dark brown to black. It's abdomen KIND OF has a beetle green/ blue sheen to it sort of. I got it for 18 bucks from a pet store that had it in like a half gallon tank with not sticks or anything! It looked healthy spread out on side of the glass.


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
I will get a picture up soon but are all avics pink toed? Mine has little orangish pinkish feet and is pretty much all dark brown to black. It's abdomen KIND OF has a beetle green/ blue sheen to it sort of. I got it for 18 bucks from a pet store that had it in like a half gallon tank with not sticks or anything! It looked healthy spread out on side of the glass.
I am glad you saved it from being stressed, gave it a good home :)

The most common Avic. in the pet store is is Avic. avic.

I can't wait to see the guy (or girl)

---------- Post added at 05:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:27 PM ----------

oh and one more thing. Everyone on here talks in scientific terms for the most part. I'd suggest learning to names and you'll begin to be able to spot them and names them by their "real name".


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
I don't have an avic anymore.

A couple years ago I had to significantly reduce my collection due to a creature called a "significant other" :wall:

Now that that creature is no longer in my life, I am can have my babies back!!!! :clap::worship:


Jan 5, 2011
I am totally new to spiders in general and decided to go with a pink toe tarantula. I have a five gallon tank on it's side so it's vertical and tall. I put a big branch from the top to bottom diagonally and a plant. My bedding is tropical soil coconut husk stuff that came in a brick and my water dish is about the size of the tarantula. How big do most pink toes get? Are they smaller than rose haired ones? When you feed yours, how does it find it's food? It just sits at the top of the log and looks bored. It doesn't seem like it can find food! How long did it take for you to hold your tarantula? I am very afraid of handling it! I was putting it in it's cage from the pet store and I was so nervous! I guess I will wear gloves. What I'm really worried about is it jumping because the store worker said they jump and are fast. I thought they were good for beginners!
just a side not what kind of branch is in the tank? i have been told by many that any ole branch from outside is a bad idea since most trees create a natural pesticide inside them that can kill your T also. i suggest investing in a cork bark slab from your local pet store. they go for around $6 or $7.


Feb 10, 2011

I hope the pics show! I think I uploaded them in the wrong category. You can click on it to make it bigger because they are tiny in the post!

I sanitized my log because I heard about parasites etc What species is it?
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