New owner to OBT, should I keep it?


Mar 30, 2011
I just bought an OBT and was informed after the purchase that it spits venom and could kill my dog if it ever bit him. Is this true? I'm a little worried that I made the wrong choice in accepting this tarantula since I'm a beginner and really --I've only wanted a pink-toe T. Anyways, long story short --should I keep the OBT or return it?


Old Timer
Jan 31, 2010
I just bought an OBT and was informed after the purchase that it spits venom and could kill my dog if it ever bit him. Is this true? I'm a little worried that I made the wrong choice in accepting this tarantula since I'm a beginner and really --I've only wanted a pink-toe T. Anyways, long story short --should I keep the OBT or return it?
It doesn't "spit" venom. How big is your dog? Though I'm not sure if that is a factor, but I have heard that a bite can kill a dog. If you make a secure setup and are careful when doing maintenance, the risk of it escaping is low. Where does your dog stay? Would it have the chance to come in contact?

Though if you aren't ready for it, I would say return it.


Mar 28, 2011
Well Obt's are more venomous then your average tarantula, and it is defiantly not an "ideal" beginner T, but you already have it, and Obt's are a very prized and beautiful species. It would be a crime if you just got rid of it. Just don't be stupid, why would you have to worry about it biting your dog? Does your dog plan on handling it or something? Just be VERY careful, and don't try to handle it and make sure its enclosure is 110% escape proof. Don't do anything to aggravate it, and it wont spit venom at you. So I would say NO dont get rid of it, just be very careful, and welcome to the wonderful world of tarantula care and husbandry. Talk to an Obt owner and find out basic care, and take EVERY precaution possible. Keep the enclosure WELL out of the dogs reach, and you will be fine.

---------- Post added at 12:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

Ok well maybe it is best you return it, but before you do, at least CONSIDER keeping it, and learn how to properly and safely care for one. And if it seems to much to handle, return it, and get a pink toe, or a G rosea, or a B. Smithi. Those three species are probably the three best beginner tarantulas.


Jan 9, 2011
Just don't be stupid, why would you have to worry about it biting your dog? Does your dog plan on handling it or something? Just be VERY careful, and don't try to handle it and make sure its enclosure is 110% escape proof. Don't do anything to aggravate it, and it wont spit venom at you. So I would say NO dont get rid of it, just be very careful, and welcome to the wonderful world of tarantula care and husbandry. Talk to an Obt owner and find out basic care, and take EVERY precaution possible. Keep t
first of all they don't spit venom, second i'm sure the OP was more worried about the what if's like what if it escaped and bit my dog would my dog die.

To the OP it all depends do you want something thats gonna be more aggressive fast and have to be watched closer when doing maintenance? or are you wanting something like a pink toe where their still fast but your much more likely to get pooped on than bitten? also keep in mind they are nicknamed orange bitey things. It's really all a matter of personal preference on your part.


Aug 27, 2010
Lol spit venom next year tarantulas are going to juggle, ride bicycles, and play guitars for money on the subway. All jokes aside, yes it could seriously harm your dog, while most bites are harmless to humans it is not the case for dogs, cats and rodents. There is a venom toxicity article and bite reports related to dogs and other animals thats floating around here somewhere, i'll look for it for you and PM you if i find it.

I would say keep it OBTs make hardy pets and are truely beautiful to look at and have in your collection, just dont go creating an animal circus with acts involving your dog and your T, thats like mixing fire and gasoline IMO.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Honestly I'd be more worried about the tarantula if it escaped and your dog found it. It might be a possibility that a small dog will die if fully envenomated by an OBT as they are more sensitive to the venom than humans. IME, they are relatively shy when doing cage maintenance but that's not to say that all individuals are. If you are uncertain, and as you said a beginner, I would consider returning it if you don't feel you are ready. There's nothing wrong with second-guessing your ability to deal with an OBT and getting one you feel more comfortable with. That is only something you can decide and I wouldn't let other people try to convince you that you're ready when you aren't.


Jan 9, 2011
Lol spit venom next year tarantulas are going to juggle, ride bicycles, and play guitars for money on the subway. All jokes aside, yes it could seriously harm your dog, while most bites are harmless to humans it is not the case for dogs, cats and rodents. There is a venom toxicity article and bite reports related to dogs and other animals thats floating around here somewhere, i'll look for it for you and PM you if i find it.

I would say keep it OBTs make hardy pets and are truely beautiful to look at and have in your collection, just dont go creating an animal circus with acts involving your dog and your T, thats like mixing fire and gasoline IMO.
if you find the article i'd be interested in it as well


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
yours spits venom? I'm getting hosed over here! {D :wall:

(sarcasm here..)


Aug 28, 2010
I don't think you should return it - send it to me & I will trade you an Aphonepelma for it !


Old Timer
Apr 4, 2009
I don't think the OP should keep it if uncomfortable. I have an OBT sling and I don't worry about it escaping and killing my cat but I guess there is always that chance. If it is a concern, why stress yourself out especially since you are new. Get something you are more comfortable with.


Old Timer
Mar 5, 2011
If the primary concern is the danger to the dog, and you otherwise feel ready, I say keep it -- just do all tank maintenance (feeding, watering, cleaning, rehousing, etc.) in the bathroom, with the door closed and a towel stuffed in front to rule out all possibility of it getting loose in your home. As long as you take this precaution and make sure the lid to its enclosure is secure, there is virtually no chance it could come in contact with your dog.

If you feel apprehensive about keeping it for other reasons, even after doing thorough research, then maybe returning it would be best. I have a sling that isn't very scary, apart from its speed; getting it from its shipping container into its vial was a bit nerve-wracking, but now that it's settled in it tends to retreat and hide whenever I open the lid to give it food or water. I also have three cats, and while I worry at times, I know it's impossible for it to get out unless I do something very careless.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011
{D @ Rob and jt. I have my spelling OCD under control, marginally... I did sacrifice a couple fingernails during the reading of a few posts today...

Back on topic: OBTs have been known to drip venom, but I've never heard of one 'spitting' venom. The bite of an adult OBT to a dog might be problematic.

I have an OBT and small dogs. I'm hopeful that never the twain shall meet and take appropriate precautions: 1)My dogs are never allowed in the room where my Ts live;
2)I'm confident that my OBT is secure in its enclosure (extra packing tape);
3)OBT maintenance and feeding are done with the door to the room sealed, just in case... In event of OBT escape, I would not leave the room until it was contained. I've already had to chase it down once, in a larger less secure area, I think I could do it again. :)

If you're uncomfortable with the T, return it or trade it.


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
{D @ Rob and jt. I have my spelling OCD under control, marginally... I did sacrifice a couple fingernails during the reading of a few posts today...

Back on topic: OBTs have been known to drip venom, but I've never heard of one 'spitting' venom. The bite of an adult OBT to a dog might be problematic.

I have an OBT and small dogs. I'm hopeful that never the twain shall meet and take appropriate precautions: 1)My dogs are never allowed in the room where my Ts live;
2)I'm confident that my OBT is secure in its enclosure (extra packing tape);
3)OBT maintenance and feeding are done with the door to the room sealed, just in case... In event of OBT escape, I would not leave the room until it was contained. I've already had to chase it down once, in a larger less secure area, I think I could do it again. :)

If you're uncomfortable with the T, return it or trade it.
packing tape? It's not in jail, as long as you secured the lid it's fine.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011
packing tape? It's not in jail, as long as you secured the lid it's fine.
I have my OBT in a non-traditional enclosure (a candy container in a previous life...). Packing tape is clear, sturdy and secures the lid. I may have to get more inventive when it's bigger, but it works for now.:)


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
I have my OBT in a non-traditional enclosure (a candy container in a previous life...). Packing tape is clear, sturdy and secures the lid. I may have to get more inventive when it's bigger, but it works for now.:)
I use deli containers that snap lock or secure well.

I was really noting how annoying and expensive the tape will be over time.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011
Deli containers were all full... I like to recycle. :)

re: Tape expense - So far I've used one 4" strip, split into 3 narrow sections. To get in the top I peel two loose from the lid. Flip the lid, then just stick it back. That stuff holds its sticky a long time. :) I'll probably ultimately go with acrylic hinge and hasp.