New Comer + Tips Guys


Old Timer
Oct 8, 2002
Originally posted by TarantuChimp
Cheers Again,

My Sling tank arrived, i bought a smaller one, than the one i am going to use when it get a little bigger, The sling tnak is question is plasic should I put some glass underneath it and then have the heta mat underthat becuase i dont want it to A) Over heat and B) to melt the plastic.

and how much Substrate would you use and how much Peat or doea that really depend on the size of the spider?

How bigs the tank? you can get heat mats that are made for the smaller tanks and put it on the outside back and not underneath, How much substrate will depend on the spider,what you getting?



Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
as with chid -- depends on the T

as for heaters, I never use em. Then again, all my T's have a special room in my house thats nice and warm, but even before that, i never used a heater. I just kept the room that they were in (before i remodeled it into a "t"room) nice and warm.

i get hot real easy, and i live in COLD places, so i'd just crack a window for me in the living room.

but all my T's have done fine. The only T's that have artificial heat are the eggsacs in the incubators.

I'm not saying you shouldnt use a heater, but i don't. And i know its another split issue with T people (there are MANY MANY MANY issues that the T people are split over... misting.. eggsacs...big cages/little cages ... substrate... food ... humidity....heaters :) :) )

anyways, write back with the T! i think you were going for a smithi or a rosea, right?
welcome to the obsession mate =D
