NeVeN's Tarantulas


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Uhmmm its on the pics!
Composition (-ingredients):
- 30% White Peat / 70% Black Peat
- pH value: 5-7
- EC value: 1-2
- Organic matter: min 75%-99%
- Moisture content: max:65%

..and coconut palm trees can be found here but not where i live (north Greece). Even then these are man-planted trees, not grown by their own..
Yes, I know its on the pics, but I cant make out the writing, my eyes suck.

Im not sure what the white peat is from. I'd wait for the coc husk


Jun 7, 2008
I went ahead and experiment with my small chilean. The soil is very humid right off the bag, and she kinda looks she likes it. I left her for a few hours to see whats she'll do - stay in the plastic cap or not.

When I came back 4 hours later to check her out, she had all the place webbed, which is rare at least for my chilean. She never webbed that much in her previous tank.

Tell me what you think.


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
Looks like your T likes it. Otherwise she wouldn't have webbed it in such a short time. Did she stay on the ground all the time? That's another good sign. T's that are not satisfied with the substrate tend to away standing on it, by moving onto other surfaces the enclosure has (such as top of the hiding place or something) and being on the glass a lot of time.


Jun 7, 2008
No no! She climbed the glass for only a brief time, and that was when I put her in the new tank! She never went in or on to the plastic glass I've put in there, at least not when I was watching.

She still lies at the same place as the picture above. I guess she must be feeling exposed for not having something to go under it. Other than that, I also think she likes it! :)


Jun 7, 2008
Brachypelma emilia re-housing.

Ok this is my second experiment on changing the substrate with my turf.
I went for my Brachypelma emilia, which is a juvie and quite nervous.
After living her for about two hours on her new home, I cant say she liked it very much,
and this is maybe cause she is extremely shy and might need more of a hiding place.

I found her on the glass which isnt a good sign, but when i gave her a push, she went straight to her "coconut-cave".
Check out the pictures:



Jun 7, 2008
Brachypelma Schroederi re-housed

Today was my Schroederi's turn to move to a new place. What was my way of thinking, is to fill the bottom with water gel (since its not that of drinkable or eatable as another AB thread) so to keep more of humid place for my T. Then I added the substrate which I made a "canal" in the middle so there is a hiding place already made for my Scroederi. I loved when she reacts normal I touch or push her around, but as soon as I dropped a mealworm next to her, she showed her appetite and sunk her teeth in. Does that shows she can tell a finger form a worm? I think it does. lol.

By the time I typed to here, she already did quite some webbing work done. {D


Jun 7, 2008
Big Red-Legged Trapdoor Spider [New arrival]

Ok i have only a few minutes so here goes: I got my new redlegged trapdoor today. She's an adult female, with fully shaved body (lol). Just made her this terrarium, with lots of subtrate to sink in and start tunneling. To give her a head-start I made a hole in the middle of it, which after a few pushes, burrowed in. Welcome home. :)


Ice Cold Milk

Old Timer
Jul 21, 2004
Nice, would love to see more pics of the trapdoor spider. Scientific name?


Jun 7, 2008
Uhmm...sorry to disapoint you my friends. I didn't have time to take more pictures of her. I do not know her sci-name, but have already mailed the guy that sold her to me, and awaiting for an answer. I will let you guys know about it.

As far as her behaviour, she was quite nervous, and pretty fast. Being a tru spider though and not a tarantula, she was unable to climb the glass of her terrarium!! Didn't know that, and was quite amazed.

Thats it for now. Will post more about my new P.regalis communities soon! :)


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Uhmm...sorry to disapoint you my friends. I didn't have time to take more pictures of her. I do not know her sci-name, but have already mailed the guy that sold her to me, and awaiting for an answer. I will let you guys know about it.

As far as her behaviour, she was quite nervous, and pretty fast. Being a tru spider though and not a tarantula, she was unable to climb the glass of her terrarium!! Didn't know that, and was quite amazed.

Thats it for now. Will post more about my new P.regalis communities soon! :)
shes not a true spider, shes a ctenizidae. still a primitive, a form of mygalomorph.
True spiders have one set of book lungs and a tracheal spiricle,


Jun 7, 2008
Cyriopagopus spec. blue - New arrival
Right out of the box {D . This little thing is SO DAMN FAST!! It gave me a run when i scared it, but fortunately managed to capture it before it went "invisible" to me. :)

Holothele incei - New arrival
Another fast little sling here. Currently and temporary place in a small plastic box, until it grows a bit.

H. Hainanum having a snack :)

Brachypelma boehmei freshly molted, and obiously quite skinny, having a mealworm. I must start the fatting-program soon..:rolleyes:

Brachypelma Smithi also freshly molted, having a mealworm.

Brachypelma Emilia which was recently re-housed, and still kinda hating it, had no shame of grabing a mealworm I gave her.

thanx 4 watching :worship:

Forgot! amongst new arrivals, I got 11 new poecilotheria regalis and my 3rd poecilotheria pederseni.

Third pederseni:

11 x P. Regalis: I used two plastic tubes that used to come with the water gel I bought the other day. I devided the slings to 6 and 5, so I can keep a closer look at them. Fast little things!

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