Hello all! These are my lovely pets. I dont have all of them in pictures, but I will make sure that I do, and will post it here, as well as other updates for each and every one of them..
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PLEASE be so kind and leave a comment and/or suggestion on something you see "wrong" or dangerous or not suitable for my tarantulas, as I accept and believe that there are far more experienced T-keepers than me out there!
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Acanthoscurria geniculata (Giant Whiteknee)

Brachypelma albiceps ruhnaui (Amula Redrump)

Brachypelma boehmei (Mexican Fireleg)

Brachypelma emilia (Mexican Redleg)

Grammastola rosea (Chilean Rose) - my small one

Haplopelma hainanum (Black Earth Tiger)

Haplopelma lividum (Cobalt Blue)

Haplopelma lividum, (Malaysia, dark colour form)

Haplopelma schmidti (Chinese Golden Earth Tiger)
King baboon

Lasiodora parahybana (Goliath Salmon Pink)

Nhandu vulpinus

Ornithoctonus aureotibialis - #1

Ornithoctonus aureotibialis - #2

Poecilotheria pederseni(es) (two in the same tank - soon to be three!)

Plus a peaceful fight those two had recently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9_H7D42l0Q
I will post my few others plus my soon-newly arrived Ts pretty soon. Damn imageshack takes some time....!
edit: ok fixed pictures to be clickable.
My main "tools" for keeping my beloved ones are:
My mini spray bottle (not the real one shown here) unbinds my hands when i want to raise the humidity of any tank needed, quick and easy.

Ofcourse I need water supplies for the dishes and for watering the subtract of each terrarium. at the moment about 1.5 bottle is sufficient every week, as all my tanks are open on top and humidity is hard to keep.

Water gels are excellent to avoid water dishes, as I believe (and seen) T's can clear their thirst by "eating" small bits that i leave in their terrarium.

As for food I mainly use mealworms and larvae (for my bigger T's) as I find crickets hard to keep alive, though lately I see the difficulty of feeding my pokies, as all worms tend to immediately burrow and cant be found.

Comments are much welcome! thanx!
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PLEASE be so kind and leave a comment and/or suggestion on something you see "wrong" or dangerous or not suitable for my tarantulas, as I accept and believe that there are far more experienced T-keepers than me out there!
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Acanthoscurria geniculata (Giant Whiteknee)

Brachypelma albiceps ruhnaui (Amula Redrump)

Brachypelma boehmei (Mexican Fireleg)

Brachypelma emilia (Mexican Redleg)

Grammastola rosea (Chilean Rose) - my small one

Haplopelma hainanum (Black Earth Tiger)

Haplopelma lividum (Cobalt Blue)

Haplopelma lividum, (Malaysia, dark colour form)

Haplopelma schmidti (Chinese Golden Earth Tiger)

King baboon

Lasiodora parahybana (Goliath Salmon Pink)

Nhandu vulpinus

Ornithoctonus aureotibialis - #1

Ornithoctonus aureotibialis - #2

Poecilotheria pederseni(es) (two in the same tank - soon to be three!)

Plus a peaceful fight those two had recently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9_H7D42l0Q
I will post my few others plus my soon-newly arrived Ts pretty soon. Damn imageshack takes some time....!
edit: ok fixed pictures to be clickable.
My main "tools" for keeping my beloved ones are:
My mini spray bottle (not the real one shown here) unbinds my hands when i want to raise the humidity of any tank needed, quick and easy.

Ofcourse I need water supplies for the dishes and for watering the subtract of each terrarium. at the moment about 1.5 bottle is sufficient every week, as all my tanks are open on top and humidity is hard to keep.

Water gels are excellent to avoid water dishes, as I believe (and seen) T's can clear their thirst by "eating" small bits that i leave in their terrarium.

As for food I mainly use mealworms and larvae (for my bigger T's) as I find crickets hard to keep alive, though lately I see the difficulty of feeding my pokies, as all worms tend to immediately burrow and cant be found.

Comments are much welcome! thanx!
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