Need tips on traveling with slings


Mar 26, 2019
I am taking a road trip across the country and back. I have a few stops planned but for the most part, I will be driving. This trip will be approximately 3 weeks.

All my slings are coming with me because I have no one to take care them here and they can’t go that long without care. All the other animals will be fine and taken care of while I am away. I don’t know anyone local who I can trust with fast old world slings. I bringing everything they will need in will be in their original enclosures and not packed at all.

I am going to put all of the enclosures in tote packed tightly so they don’t slide around. As long as there isn’t a car accident they should be ok for movement. There is also a Thermometer in the tote so I can make sure they don’t get too cold/warm. Feeding schedule will remain the same.

All of large juveniles and adults are still home. I have given them extra food this week and just finished all water dishes. I also drilled small holes above the water dishes so my daughter and boyfriend can fill water without opening the enclosure. There is also a way to feed without risking an escape. Although, they grow up with T’s, they don’t participate in my hobby on a large scale.

I am taking my fishing gear and mountain bike and plan to hit every lake I pass and every crazy bike trail on the way to where ever and back. Will they be ok in the car if the temperatures are bad? I will be in North America mostly but every places will be different.

Has anyone done anything different when they are traveling for longer periods of time? Is there another option besides not go like has been suggested by everyone else?

Also, any good lakes I should hit up?

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
leave slings home....water is the only thing they will need if they dry out.

where ya headed?
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Gen. 1:24-25
Arachnosupporter +
Jul 18, 2017
I went on a trip last year for over three weeks. I left several slings at the house unattended with not one casualty. I actually believe there is a greater potential for danger traveling with them than leaving them.


Jul 24, 2017
Surely they could water the slings with a syringe through the lid. Why not leave them home with good instructions?


Mar 26, 2019
leave slings home....water is the only thing they will need if they dry out.

where ya headed?
I am stopping off in Wyoming, Nebraska and Minnesota for sure. After that, where ever I feel like going. I have an opportunity to travel and fish the country so I am going to take it. Did this once before and is an amazing experience.

Just worried about my spider babies. I would be so upset if I lost some.

Extra water it is. My daughter and her boyfriend are staying at the house so maybe we can do face time to check on them instead of taking them with me.

Thank you so much.
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Jun 3, 2019
Just worried about my spider babies. I would be so upset if I lost some.
It gets very hot here during the summertime, we went on vacation and all i did was swap out the small water dishes for a bit bigger ones. We were gone for 23 days and when i got home all my slings survived.

This is just my experience, I would hate for you to take my advice and a sling dies and you blame me :anxious:

My daughter and boyfriend are staying at the house so maybe we can do face time to check on them instead of taking them with me.
This advice you can take...If your boyfriend lets you go cross country for 3 weeks to fish and enjoy yourself marry that man :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Mar 26, 2019
It gets very hot here during the summertime, we went on vacation and all i did was swap out the small water dishes for a bit bigger ones. We were gone for 23 days and when i got home all my slings survived.

This is just my experience, I would hate for you to take my advice and a sling dies and you blame me :anxious:

I would never blame anyone for well intended advice. I am going to switch out the water dishes for bigger ones right now. Well, it will probably take most of the day.

I actually didn’t feel right about taking them with either because I plan to do some over night camping trips. Actually, most of my trip will be outdoors, under the stars, near the water, and in the mountains. Not the best situation for slings either.


Jun 3, 2019
I actually didn’t feel right about taking them with either because I plan to do some over night camping trips. Actually, most of my trip will be outdoors, under the stars, near the water, and in the mountains. Not the best situation for slings either.
I am completely envious right now. If we go camping under the stars here you will wake up with no car, not tent and you will probably lose the clothes on your back as well o_O


Mar 26, 2019
This advice you can take...If your boyfriend lets you go cross country for 3 weeks to fish and enjoy yourself marry that man :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hahaha my daughter and HER boyfriend are staying at the house.

If I did have a boyfriend, the words “let me” wouldn’t even be allowed in the conversation. Haha guess that is why I don’t have one of those. Hahaha trust that I am not complaining about it either. ;)


Jun 3, 2019
Hahaha my daughter and HER boyfriend are staying at the house.
Ah I see, I was under the impression you said your daughter and your boyfriend :rofl:

If I did have a boyfriend, the words “let me” wouldn’t even be allowed in the conversation. Haha guess that is why I don’t have one of those. Hahaha trust that I am not complaining about it either. ;)
Hahahaha freedom is sometimes the best I'll agree on that. Good luck on your fishing trip, maybe post some pictures or something when you get back :D I get super curious when i hear about other peoples adventures !


Mar 26, 2019
I am completely envious right now. If we go camping under the stars here you will wake up with no car, not tent and you will probably lose the clothes on your back as well o_O

I am sorry you can’t fully enjoy all the beauty that Africa is because of people ruining it. There are some places in the states just like that.

Being a female and traveling alone isn’t exactly the smartest thing to do but I refuse to not do what I love out of fear of might happen.

Ah I see, I was under the impression you said your daughter and your boyfriend :rofl:

Hahahaha freedom is sometimes the best I'll agree on that. Good luck on your fishing trip, maybe post some pictures or something when you get back :D I get super curious when i hear about other peoples adventures !
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Jun 19, 2019
I gotta go to the next city in a week or 2 for 2 months, all this says that a T will be fine, but I have a cat who destroys things, so I might very cautiously take mine along. The cat’s got a feeder that I can check on over weekends. I wonder if a T will be ok locked in a cupboard or drawer.


Mar 26, 2019
No worries. He just recently upgraded from “the boy” to “the boyfriend”.

He hasn’t received the “her boyfriend” title yet. If he doesn't let my slings die while I am gone, I might upgrade him again. :)

I gotta go to the next city in a week or 2 for 2 months, all this says that a T will be fine, but I have a cat who destroys things, so I might very cautiously take mine along. The cat’s got a feeder that I can check on over weekends. I wonder if a T will be ok locked in a cupboard or drawer.
I am leaving for 3 weeks. I am sure my slings would die if it was 2 months. Can you put them a different room that the cats don’t have access to?
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Jun 19, 2019
I am leaving for 3 weeks. I am sure my slings would die if it was 2 months. Can you put them a different room that the cats don’t have access to?
It’s a single dorm room, I’m pretty much screwed. however, I’m only travelling 2 or 3 hours away, so I might find my deli cup and risk it.

P.S. sorry for hijacking your thread


Jun 3, 2019
I wonder if a T will be ok locked in a cupboard or drawer.
When I started out I didn't have a T room..My T's stayed in my cupboard during winter time since it gets pretty cold here and they made it through just fine.

I am sorry you can’t fully enjoy all the beauty that Africa is because of people ruining it. There are some places in the states just like that.
Yea look we do have some amazing places you can visit that are totally safe..The problem with those places are that they are privately owned and the owners ask a arm and leg for you to be there...:rage: but all in all we do have some amazing spots that we visit on a regular basis....I have seen so many OBT's where we go on vacation, too bad they are illegal to own...Funny how we export them and you can buy them but the country they come from hobbyists aren't allowed to own them :banghead:
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Mar 26, 2019
It’s a single dorm room, I’m pretty much screwed. however, I’m only travelling 2 or 3 hours away, so I might find my deli cup and risk it.

P.S. sorry for hijacking your thread

I end up hijacking my own threads way before anyone else does. And others too :( Besides, it the same subject matter. Leaving and wondering what is the best option for T’s while you are gone.

I have two cats and when I can’t separate them I tape the enclosures down so the cats can’t knock them over. They stay away from the spiders but it could happen.

Yea look we do have some amazing places you can visit that are totally safe..The problem with those places are that they are privately owned and the owners ask a arm and leg for you to be there...:rage: but all in all we do have some amazing spots that we visit on a regular basis....I have seen so many OBT's where we go on vacation, too bad they are illegal to own...Funny how we export them and you can buy them but the country they come from hobbyists aren't allowed to own them :banghead:

Can’t own what lives in your back yard already? That doesn’t make much sense to me.
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cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I am stopping off in Wyoming, Nebraska and Minnesota for s rod territory all the way...

Nebraska? Who do you know there, no one has Nebraska on their destination list, especially if fishing is is probably my least favorite state....little water and over partolled by overzealuos police forces. the best fishing i found there was a backwater of the Platt river...bass werent giants, but i did catch a lot of them.

Minnesota, great fishing.. Brainerd area is super, Minneapolis area aint too bad either....some real gems, especially north by the LOTW, Rainey lake and Vermillion...all places an outdoors person could get lost in for an endless amount of time. Other great ones are Mill Lacs, Minnetonka, Leech lake and a ton of super and less well known lakes that just produce numbers of trophy size fish from walleye, to crappie and panfish, to bass and musky (and pike).

MN may be the land of 10000 Lakes, but that state right next to it, the one shaped like a glove, that state has nearly double the amount of navigable water that Minnesota If we made the same claim is Minnesota on our license plates, Wisconsin would say the land of 18, 972 Lakes.....take that Minnesota:)

Sounds like a potential dream trip, i hope its as rewarding as you hope.
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Jul 17, 2004
I think there's a greater chance for slings to die in the hot summer by accidentally leaving them in the car for 10 minutes than if they were to be left alone at home. Like some of the others said, if you make sure they have water, I think slings will be fine at home. I gave my friend a baby Haitian Brown sling and it died while they were traveling to Maryland from California. Animals simply can't take the heat in an enclosed space... Also, I don't think you will be able to fully enjoy your fishing trip if you're constantly worrying about the T's in your car or hotel room. And will they be in your backpack while you're mountain biking? There's so many potential things that can go wrong during a trip. Anyway, I hope you have a safe/fun trip out there!


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
They may die in the car depending upon temps when driving. Wouldn’t risk it, Ive done it a few times for moves.


Jun 3, 2019
Can’t own what lives in your back yard already? That doesn’t make much sense to me.
They actually have the authority to remove the illegal T and your entire collection if they see and otherwise.

But enough of that, good luck on your trip, hope you get tight lines all the way and have an amazing experience.:D:D