Hi im am gonna buy a centipede from china of a guy but i or he doesnt know what species it is. He says its about 10-12cm long, black bodied and red head. its caught in china does any body know what it could be.
Without a pic, there's no way to be sure. With a pic, it could most likely be narrowed down to a genus but a actual specie id may still be difficult.
Without a pic and based on your description, I'd guess you're getting a Chinese Red Head - Scolopendra sp..
That is on no way a reliable id though. If you can get a pic up, that would help a lot.
I don't know actually. I've heard different things about it. Some say it's of average, maximun size of 15 cm, some say that they can grow pretty large about 20-22 cm. We'll have to see...
Sorry for all of you who don't know Swedish...
Tjena! Var har du träffat Nicklas? Var i sverige bor du? Min scolo är runt 13 cm och jag har haft den i ca. två veckor. En trevlig och ilsken liten krabat.
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