Need help with a cyriopagopus hati hati


Mar 12, 2025
I recently ordered a Grammostola Pulchra juvenile and the seller sent me a free Cyriopagopus Hati Hati sling I just want to get the basics of owning this Tarantula like the substrate recommendations cause I would like to provide it the closest thing to it’s natural habitat I do also plan on making it a bioactive enclosure as of right now I have a 3 x 3 x 5 enclosure for it but at the moment I have bio dude Terra Aranea substrate honestly speaking I just need to know the type of live moss and proper substrate I would need I have a picture of it also for reference of size



Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
Wow, I hate when sellers do this.
You ordered a beginner new world and they gave you a spicy, more advanced Asian arboreal (with medically significant venom). Not sure how much experience you have with T’s.

Always make sure you have the plants and the animals environmental requirements perfected individually before trying to put them together or one or the other will suffer while you figure out how to keep them together.


Mar 12, 2025
Yeah I ordered the Pulchra cause I want to get into T’s and I get this one as a surprise I will be able to care for this surprise T also, I just need some guidance ive read a few forums and watched a few vids and asked around on the care I’m just getting second opinions just need to know the how to keep it as close to its natural habit as possible cause I know this species is sensitive


Theraphosidae Rancher
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Welcome to AB! Your seller didn't do you many favors by sending that species as a freebie...

Read this thread by @l4nsky thoroughly and follow the instructions carefully.

The freebie you got is now Phormingochilus hatihati, they reclassified it a few weeks ago. It is not recommended for beginners to keep this species or any of it's relatives, but the thing you've got going for you is that it's a sling and you'll be able to grow your skills while the sling grows into an adult. They do grow fast, though, so you'll need to learn quickly if you plan to keep it.

DO NOT WORRY ABOUT MIMICKING IT'S NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RIGHT NOW!! You need to focus on creating an easily-maintainable habitat that meets it's specific husbandry requirements, THAT'S ALL. Keep it simple, keep it alive, and keep yourself safe. As it gets larger you can experiment with building a more naturalistic vivarium for it.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I recently ordered a Grammostola Pulchra juvenile and the seller sent me a free Cyriopagopus Hati Hati sling I just want to get the basics of owning this Tarantula like the substrate recommendations cause I would like to provide it the closest thing to it’s natural habitat I do also plan on making it a bioactive enclosure as of right now I have a 3 x 3 x 5 enclosure for it but at the moment I have bio dude Terra Aranea substrate honestly speaking I just need to know the type of live moss and proper substrate I would need I have a picture of it also for reference of size
I agree with the previous poster with regards to the seller.

The basics are that you house this species exactly as you would every tropical OW arboreal. While arboreal, these will actually burrow, so while you want an arboreal set up, the vertical wood should be leaned at an angle that allows the t to get under at the base....plants should also be at ground level surrounding the base of the will also need enough substrate to allow for burrowing.

It's natural habitat isn't as relevant as you might think, captivity is a much easier place and temps can range anywhere between 68 and don't need to worry about humidity, simply keep damp substrate, and when it dries, simply add more water....but be aware, too wet is far more harmful than too dry, so don't overdo the moisture......add moisture by pouring water in, not by misting, misting is for drinking opportunities, not general husbandry.

Bioactive may seem like the way to go, but I would discourage this as it only serves to over-complicate things, especially for a newer keeper.....the advantages are only in appearance, there is no real benefit to the tarantula.

As for substrate, there is no one best or suggested substrate, any acceptable substrate can be used, it's really a keepers choice thing.

Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
Yeah, I set mine up almost as a half & half; half terrestrial, & half arboreal. I got mine significantly younger than yours, & it was at ABOUT that size that it's spending more time arboreal than terrestrial, but it still spends a good chunk of time in its burrow. Give it a few loosely compacted inches of substrate as a base to whatever arboreal setup you've got, & it'll be happy


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Bioactive is not necessary- and when someone says that word- it means nothing without a definition from that person because bioactive is a catch all phrase for products/husbandry that make sense for certain animals, and zero sense for other animals. It’s a fad that caught on so much so that “everyone” thinks it’s required and it’s NOT, nothing more.

Biodude products are all marketing. There is no need for them by Ts to thrive in captivity.


Arachnosupporter +
Nov 28, 2023
I too received Hati Hati as a Freebie Spiderling about a year and a half ago.
Was very reclusive back then, now a 3 1/2 inch Sub-Adult spends almost eveyday perched on corkbark just outside the retreat.
Previously Cyriopagopus & Omothymus now considered to be Phormingochilus if I'm not mistaken..
{D A Real Treasure to Keep