I did actually think about doing a "pond" biome with minnows and a couple newts and salamanders; that'd be neat but not that colorful unless i go with fire bellies or something non-native
We have a 4ft tank which is about 80 gals (one day I'll get the hang of the conversion thingie I'm sure)
Right now we have
Assorted golds: comets, orandas, red caps and black moors
Silver dollars (4)
Black phantoms (4)
Black widows (4)
Bumble bee catfish (1)
Angels (3)
Bala Sharks (4)
Dwarf gouramis (3)
and I'm sure I'm missing some other species in there
In the second tank we have some tiny and ever so cute Oscars
The community tank is working out well, with the exception of the silver dollars which seem to be attacking the golds and have to be either thrown below with the Oscars or completely given the boot, pity though I like them.
Before we decided to get a community tank going again we had the 4ft full of chichlids, I hate the little beasts now! They are so vicious, we went from 14 to 3 in a year because they kept killing each other off :wall: . I will never keep chiclids again, not when I'm accustomed to having my fish live for years.
I once had a pair of jack dempsey in a 30 gal. for seven years. They spawned twice and were a very pleasing and rewarding experience. You may want to consider them.
you could make it into a vivarium with various colorful frogs and orchids if you are looking for something of that sort. if you want to do fish 1000s of tetras sounds fun
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