Aphonopelma chalcodes- Bernadette (I have no idea where I got this from, it just popped in my head a couple days after I got her)
Grammostola pulchra- Josephine
Brachypelma auratum- Cleo
.75" Brachypelma albopilosum- Oscar
I almost bought a pinktoe but chickened out at the last minute, even had the name picked out, Priscilla.
Still trying to find a B smithi but no fitting name has come to me yet.
G. rosea-Sweetie
OBT- Pete*
A. versicolor-Kristin
A. versicolor-Naku*
A. versicolor-Akenji*
N. coloratovillosus-Nina*
G. aureostraita-Jake
G. aureostraita-Vip*
G. aureostraita-Nadiri*
B. albopilosum-Kathy
B. albopilosum-Jumoke*
The ones with * at the end are named after gorillas at the Woodland Park Zoo. The others are people i know. If u want a pic of the gorillas along with the t, that can be arranged
I leave it totally up to my 6 yr old to name them. I have 26 t's, but I know he hasn't gotten names picked for them all. Please do not insult as some of these names may sound redundant; my son picked them out.(most of them he chose variations of what i told him the common name was)
G. aureostriata- goldie legs
A. seemani- zeb
G. pulchra-black jack
G. rosea- rosie
B. albipilosum- curly
A. geniculata- polkadots
B. sabulosum- hairy scary
That's all I can remember for now, I'll have to get an update from my boy later.
G. rosea - Drusilla
B. smithi - Agatha
A. chalcodes - Baby Girl
G. aureostriata - Chaka
P. regalis - (not sure yet)
L. parahybana - Andre
B. vagans - (not sure yet)
2x A. purpurea - Diablo & Murciélago
A. avicularia - Sagaris (carfreak )
A. metallica - Haggis
B. albopilosum - Erebus
B. schröderi - Shovel
C. cyaneopubescens - Prometheus
A. bogotensis - Poseidon
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