My Wolf Spider made an egg sac, then ate it. What are your experiences? [Video + Pics!]


Aug 16, 2023
(I have posted this to my other thread about my previous "spider couple", but figured it deserves its own thread, I'd really like to hear about other people's experiences!)

Early this month, I noticed my female wolf spider hanging out in one spot for a day. First, I thought nothing of it, but then looked closer and saw that she had made some kind of a white mat. I thought it was a molting mat (never seen one before, and my previous wolfies never made one). I got excited but it was bed time, so I couldnt stick around to watch. I set up a camera and went to bed. Captured this footage.

By morning I found her walking around in the enclosure with a sad, misshapen grey sac in her mouth that she ate soon afterwards. I had heard that they sometimes do this if the conditions are not right to raise spiderlings, and have heard about "phantom sacs", but in the footage I can clearly see her releasing a yellow liquid from her abdomen onto the sac before rolling it into a ball - does that still happen with phantom sacs? Would love to know more!



Active Member
Jun 3, 2023
A phantom egg sac will still contain eggs, they are just not fertilized eggs. So yes, if she hasn't been paired it was a phantom egg sac.
If she was paired then something went wrong with the eggs and she aborted them.


Aug 16, 2023
Ooh I see! Thanks for that, I didnt know. She lived with a male for a bit, for about 2 months I think, but too recently. I'm posting from mobile and dont have the exact time stamps rn but I got her in January and already had the male. They cohabited fine for I think about two to three months and in April(?) my male died of a bad molt. She laid the eggs a month or so after in the beginning of May. Based on what I read, thats too soon if she got pregnant from my male. If the eggs were fertilised its likelier she was already pregnant when I found her - is that correct?


Mar 5, 2021
It's probably more like a body clock and nothing to do with the male , this is breeding season at least for the wolfies in my garden the females have only just started making sacs 3 days ago she may have just auto made it because its also time for her sp and the male never got near her if he went a month ago coz of a moult. Some sp make sacs male or not my female jumper made one despite never having a male near her, she was my only jumper at the time.
Sericopelma apparently do the same n paired or not will make a sac around summer. My af sp Darien did.

It must have been a dud either way wolfies are great mums she wouldn't of destroyed it if it was a good sac. Hopefully you'll have better luck next time 🤞
Maybe ask the wolf spider breeders on here pretty sure @8 legged bred wolfies at some point. If it wasn't you 8 am sorry 😆