My son VS the avic


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
While I am spazing out looking for the walk abouting bracy my son decided he wanted to hold Tanzi. Our big A. Huriana female.

I told him Don't. as she just finished off a cricket ad I have noticed that Right after she eats shes a bit touchy.

We all know how well 17 year old boys listen...

So I am ass up head down looking under the radiators for the 50'th time for Zevo and I hear my son squeak.

I turn around and Tanzi is up on her lid, where she flashed up at the speed of light. My son evedently had offered her a hand to walk on and she decided to take the tip of his middle finger instead.

The funny thing being she Did Not bare down an actualy Bite.
But she wouldn't let go either.
Which is Freaking wierd if you ask me and I Do Not know if that's normal.
But anyway...

Since neither was hurt and I Needed a good giggle after the day I've had I sat down and giggled my ass off.

He was none to amused with me, or he situation.
But hey,, what good mom passes up te opertunity to torment their oldest when he decides not to listen and gets nailed for it?

So I let him sit there for a minut.
he tied to move once but Tanzi Did aply a bit of pressure to her fangs, but still not enough to break skin.
So trent held still.

At this point I am trying to catch a cricket out of the cricket drum and giggling so hard I keep mising...

My son is cooing and coaxing her with " Come on Tanzi baby you know you love me, please let go ok.Come on darlin let go of the finger. I don't taste good."
And general telling to to Hurry.

Which made me giggle more....

So goit fat cricket and put it in tongs and held it for her and she nabbed it.
I nudged her into a deli cup and back into her house.

So Trent, my son, bends over and says. "Now don't you feel....."
At this point she rears back in postier...

My son squeaks and drops back on his ass in surprise..

I sit down to try and not wet myself I am laughing so hard...

But anyway.
Thought I would share..

T's are funny critters.

And this one got the best of my boy, hands down.


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2003
HAhaahhaahahahahahAHhhahhahaHAhaHAhaHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAhahahaha!!!! Wow that's great, Nixy you are the greatest, i'm moving to Maryland and we are going to be best friends, hahahaha!!! That is the greatest thing i ever read, hahaha i want to laugh at someone who's scared sh!tless because a tarantula is ready to take a finger off, hahahaha that is so awesome. haha YOUR GREAT!!!! HAhaha, anyway good story, i liked it! also good luck finding Zevo!! How did she escape?
Mike=D =D =D


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003

I can't stop giggling when he walks through te room he mutters and he just stopped to wag a finger at Tanzi and she fangulated at him.
It's hilarious.
cause she settles down when the twins walk by and talk to her.

As for Zevo...

He's our male B.emilia I kinda,, um, lost by leaving the lid open like a dumbass recatching a cricket I had dropped while feeding him..

Zevo went walkabout....

Hopefuly the little nut will be back soon.
I keep hoping the cats don't get him.
But I am counting on the fact that for the most part my felines are Utter whimpy idiots.

They run from the hamsters so....

Hopefuly will run from Zevo too...


Spider Queen
Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
That's a great story :) Hopefully he'll think twice before messing with a tempermental tarantula ;)



Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Originally posted by TheEternal
That's a great story :) Hopefully he'll think twice before messing with a tempermental tarantula ;)


The funny thing is Tanzi is usualy So laid back and sweet and calm and docile.

But Right after she eats she has about a half hour where she turns into madam fangzi.

He hit her while she had PCS..

You know, post cricket syndrom...

;P =D ;P =D ;P


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
LOL...too funny!
there are some people that Ts don't seem to like, weird as that sounds. We had great fun last year at the ATS convention, at Mike Troll, who couldn't hold a T that everyone else could. I can't remember which one, but we were all joking about how that tarantula didn't like Troll....
I'd have been rolling on the floor if I'd seen that!


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Sin I was laughing so hard I darn near wet myself.

See. My son is 17 year old cocky.
So he Thinks because he has handled the T's he could do so any time for any reason and nothing COULD happen outside the realm of his command.


He done found out Wrong.

It was a good lesson for him, and Gods it was SO freaking Funny.

I gave Tanzi an extra cricket just for giving my stressful day a nice laugh.


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2002
I know exactly how you feel Nixy, I too have a 17 year old son and every once in a while he tries to hold someone. The last time my male rosie showed him who was boss. He didn't get bit but he also didn't hold Jacob. They just don't think we know what we are talking about. I would've laughed my *** off too!


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2003

What IS it about 17 year old sons anyway?? I have a 17 year old (soon to be 18) and whenever he his put it simply i got him a keychain that says "Yes, i AM the center of the universe!".
Anyway, his record with our T's is no good. When i read Nixys story i laughed until it hurt. Joseph goes up to the T enclosures, taps on them and hauls ass back about eight feet when one fangs at him. His pride is on the line because his baby sister has no fear.
Great post, i will be grinning about this for a long time.:D


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by Immortal_sin
LOL...too funny!
there are some people that Ts don't seem to like, weird as that sounds. We had great fun last year at the ATS convention, at Mike Troll, who couldn't hold a T that everyone else could. I can't remember which one, but we were all joking about how that tarantula didn't like Troll....
I'd have been rolling on the floor if I'd seen that!
at one of our get togethers Mike wanted to examine an a. avic for some reason which I have forgotton now, anyway he coaxes the avic out and it promptly bit him.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
I just laughed WAY out loud in my office... everyone asked what was so funny but I had to tell them they wouldn't understand.:?

Only a T lover could appreciate that story, and boy, did I!!!:D


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by atavuss
at one of our get togethers Mike wanted to examine an a. avic for some reason which I have forgotton now, anyway he coaxes the avic out and it promptly bit him.
I think that Mike is the only person in existance to get successfully bit by A. avicularia. And he's done it multiple times too.... :)



Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003

Originally posted by Maggie
Joseph goes up to the T enclosures, taps on them and hauls ass back about eight feet when one fangs at him. His pride is on the line because his baby sister has no fear.

Trent's attidue is "I am the center of the universe" too!


The twins nail his pride often and Hard.
This morning faith was sitting looking at one of her books with Tanzi sitting on her knee. I was reading them them when Trent walks in.
Evedently Trent has becaome Tanzi's designated target for now, because she turned on faith's knee and fangulated at him.
Trent, my six foot son steps back, while faith genly brushes Tanzi's abdomin and says. "There there Tanzi, Trent won't bother you, mommy has you, it's ok."
He muttered and went to get his stuff for school.
I about died of giggles because she is Such a Sweet darling docile T.

petitegreeneyes, it's a definate pride issue. I don't let Trent handle when he has friends over. I refuse t let it become a show off thing and put the T's in danger.

The twins only handle when it is Very quiet and peaceful in the house. I make sure the cats and the dog are locked in a room so as not to startle or hurt the T.
And I am RIGHT there. I want pitchers but I won't risk a flash startled T, or to take my eyes off of them long enough to get one.
One day though I'll get a few shots.

I still can't stop giggling when I think about it.
Trent for the most part is real great about me ribbing him.
he's Used to it, so doesn't take offence and get an attitude.
He just walks through the room and says.
"Don't even say it."
Then bend and looks in at Tanzi and says. " You and me have got to come to an understanding." At which point she gives him the fang and he backs off.

I have told this story to none T people.
They dun get it.....

Hhhhhhmmmmmm... Maybe Mike and Trent both exude some sort of Avic reverse pheremone?
