My sling set-ups. Rate please?


Jan 21, 2012
I like how you put the flowers in there for your new tarantulas! I think I will have to go shopping at Michaels!


Jun 24, 2011
I picked up some of these last night from Michaels for some slings I have coming in. Picked up a larger one to rehouse my growing B vagans too. Can't beat the prices on these things!


Sep 30, 2010
My Slings are due to arrive next tuesday so Im setting up the small enclosures. Sadly my drill keeps dying. So here is the A.vic sling enclosure. Im not done drilling holes. The plan is the whole back drilled(Which ive done) Then two rows on the top and bottom on the sides and one row on top and bottom for the front. Im assuming that would be ok for ventilation? Not too overkill? Our reptile room is 65% humidity.

I have a point of contention with your set-up, based upon the activities of my two avic slings.

Every time you open the enclosure, any webbing between the acrylic walls and the flower will be destroyed. Id suggest screwing a piece of cork bark to the very top of the enclosure, or drilling very specifically placed holes and securing the flower to the "lid" portion of the container.

EDIT: Ah, hahaha. I just noticed the flower is hot glued to the top portion of the container. My bad.


Feb 15, 2012

wow i did the same thing... i like these for slings... here is my Brachypelma Smithi sling and my Lasiodora Parahybana sling tanks..... thanks for ths post


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Sep 26, 2011
I'm glad you posted this thread, those little cages look wonderful. I dont usually shop at the Michaels near my house because ours is unorganized and its employees are rude. But after seeing those containers there I had to make the trip!
Now my versicolor has a very nice new home!



Jan 9, 2007
Next time I go in I will let you know exactly. but I asked the clerk and she helped me find them the first time. It was Isle 7-8 in my store but that wouldnt be the same for you.

For the waterdishes. Those are for my bigger slings. I put gravel in them so they cant drown. The smaller ones get water with a dropper and regular misting(twice a week eccept for the a.avic

---------- Post added 03-06-2012 at 09:34 AM ----------

I have a point of contention with your set-up, based upon the activities of my two avic slings.

Every time you open the enclosure, any webbing between the acrylic walls and the flower will be destroyed. Id suggest screwing a piece of cork bark to the very top of the enclosure, or drilling very specifically placed holes and securing the flower to the "lid" portion of the container.

EDIT: Ah, hahaha. I just noticed the flower is hot glued to the top portion of the container. My bad.
That was my exact idea. i didnt want to break their webs they worked so hard to make XD. I will be posting a photo of my freshly molted spiders in another thread soon and youll be able to see what my pink toe did in this enclosure. Looks really nice!

---------- Post added 03-06-2012 at 09:45 AM ----------

I'm glad you posted this thread, those little cages look wonderful. I dont usually shop at the Michaels near my house because ours is unorganized and its employees are rude. But after seeing those containers there I had to make the trip!
Now my versicolor has a very nice new home!
Im happy my post helped someone. Your cage looks great!

---------- Post added 03-06-2012 at 09:48 AM ----------

I like the enclosures but from what I have been told slings should not have water dishes because they can get in it and drown. My slings both don't have water dishes. I mist my Versicolor and I spray a corner of my GBB once a week.

Also you can get containers like that from the container store, if you can't find them at michaels. Not sure what category they would be in though.

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I couldnt find them at first also. I asked a clerk and they helped me(I printed the photo and showed her).

For the water dishes those are for my slightly bigger slings(and my A.avic that needs a tiny bit more humidity). I fill it with gravel and add the water. They cant drown in it. My tiny ones get water with a dropper plus a slightly fine mist twice a week(Plus the moisture in their food of course)


Apr 29, 2013
Tho this thread is a bit dated, I just wanted to jump in and say thanks for the info. I too just picked up a 1/3 inch sling. What I had done was bought 4"X4" AMAC plastic cubes and 4"X4"X7" cubes. When you read the description and read 1/3rd of an inch you know thats small, but I guess I didn't really realize how small until it arrived (it's an OBT, BTW). After reading this thread I went to eBay and just bought a 15 pack of 25 dram clear vials. As soon as they get here I'll transfer the little OBT into one of those.
FWIW I use the to buy the AMAC clear boxes. As none of my local craft stores carry them. For the terrestrial T's I like the flush fit lids...


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2005
Tho this thread is a bit dated, I just wanted to jump in and say thanks for the info. I too just picked up a 1/3 inch sling. What I had done was bought 4"X4" AMAC plastic cubes and 4"X4"X7" cubes. When you read the description and read 1/3rd of an inch you know thats small, but I guess I didn't really realize how small until it arrived (it's an OBT, BTW). After reading this thread I went to eBay and just bought a 15 pack of 25 dram clear vials. As soon as they get here I'll transfer the little OBT into one of those.
FWIW I use the to buy the AMAC clear boxes. As none of my local craft stores carry them. For the terrestrial T's I like the flush fit lids...
Hey, thanks for digging this up, just picked me up some from Michaels.


May 18, 2011
the G.rosea is 1/3" the B.smithi is 1/2"

Any suggestions on where to get Vials? And how long it would take till they would be ready for those enclosures?
Give me your address ill send you a few I no longer use


Sep 6, 2012
Huge waste of money/10.

The complete set up of my slings costs me less than 10 euro cents and it'll last them for multiple molts.


Jul 6, 2013
I don't have a Michaels where I live and the dollar store is the next best bet. I was looking for something a bit larger for my Avic Versicolors to move into and found some nice Salt and Pepper jars that already have a nice vented top. The 2 on the right are my Versi's and they are doing great in them. The smaller vial is my H Maculata that I just picked up last weekend. I have another S&P jar for it or the shorter round one next to it depending on if it stays Arboreal or decides to borrow. Spent about 4 bucks on 3 S&P and 2 shorter round jars. They should last me a bit until they have another molt and I move them into Mason Jars till they can go in their permanent homes.

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