My Roaches


Sep 28, 2015
Awesome collection!
(going to be going back and really looking at everything after I post this haha).

Granted roaches still freak me out a bit, I'm working on it so these types of threads help me.
I'm limited to what I can legally own here in Florida, but I'm considering getting maybe Blaberus discoidalis sometime this year.
I actually find the females to be quite cute so I think it'd be a good species to start with.
Panchlora nivea were also suggested to me, but since they can fly I might steer away from those for now.


Apr 18, 2015
Awesome collection!
(going to be going back and really looking at everything after I post this haha).

Granted roaches still freak me out a bit, I'm working on it so these types of threads help me.
I'm limited to what I can legally own here in Florida, but I'm considering getting maybe Blaberus discoidalis sometime this year.
I actually find the females to be quite cute so I think it'd be a good species to start with.
Panchlora nivea were also suggested to me, but since they can fly I might steer away from those for now.
Thanks! :D

Blaberus atropos is also a nice species that you can legally have in FL, they are one of my favorite Blaberus and are great for handling. :) Blaberus craniifer are another option as well.
Panchlora are generally very skittish and like to fly a lot, so maybe not the best for a beginner that's still a little afraid of roaches.


Sep 28, 2015

You're welcome!

Awesome thank you! I'll start looking into those as well.
And yeah, I don't think I'd like a roach flying at me currently haha.
I will say that I am doing much better just from looking at pictures of them and learning a bit about them though!


Apr 18, 2015

You're welcome!

Awesome thank you! I'll start looking into those as well.
And yeah, I don't think I'd like a roach flying at me currently haha.
I will say that I am doing much better just from looking at pictures of them and learning a bit about them though!
No problem, I hope you are able to get some cool roaches! Another good pet species that is legal to keep in FL is the Horshoe crab roach, Hemiblabera tenebricosa, they are decent for handling and don't look all that roachy. :)

Yep, looking at pictures of the pet species tends to help a lot when overcoming the fear of roaches, especially since a lot of them don't look at all like the common pest species.


Sep 28, 2015

I was also considering the Horseshoe Crab Roach! I hadn't read much on how they are handling, so I'm glad to hear they're pretty good too.

Yeah. I also love that white roach in your previous post.
I remember seeing one as a kid and that was the only time I wasn't terrified of a roach. I know it was probably just a freshly molted one now, but back then I didn't know haha.

I might do a bit more research on all the ones you suggested and figure out which one I like the most.
Thank you so much again :happy:
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All About Arthropods

Dec 11, 2016
The "white varieties" you're seeing are actually just freshly molted individuals. The only roach in the hobby that's almost completely white is Panchlora sp."White", although a few roaches do have white markings such as Therea olegrandjeani and Therea petiveriana(it's only at adulthood for these though)


Sep 28, 2015
@All About Insects

yeah I know haha. I just think the white roaches in this thread were cool. Since they were labelled as a "white" roach.
These ones:

Just got these from @wizentrop, and they are beautiful! Really hope they do well for me! :D These are some crappy pics, I will definitely try to get some better ones soon though!

Panchlora sp. "White":


I am aware that the most white ones you see are just the freshly molted roaches.
And the one I saw as a kid was probably just a freshly molted roach, too, but it was still cool.
I guess I should have specified I think the above white roaches are cool and not have been vague oops :eek:

All About Arthropods

Dec 11, 2016
@All About Insects

yeah I know haha. I just think the white roaches in this thread were cool. Since they were labelled as a "white" roach.
These ones:

I am aware that the most white ones you see are just the freshly molted roaches.
And the one I saw as a kid was probably just a freshly molted roach, too, but it was still cool.
I guess I should have specified I think the above white roaches are cool and not have been vague oops :eek:
Oh, well glad you already knew then. LOL I agree, I really like the look of those as well.


Sep 28, 2015
@All About Insects
Lol yeah. I realized a bit after making the post it was vague and not really worded the way I meant it to be worded.
Have there been any albino or Leucistic roaches in any species thus far? I would guess there would have to be some occasionally popping up but I'm not sure.
And looking around online might be...well difficult since not a lot people are probably aware a freshly molted roach isn't albino/leucistic it's just freshly molted.
They probably just jump to "ALBINO ROACH?"

Albinism seems to be a bit more rare in invertebrates than vertebrates. I know there are occasionally "albino" individuals that pop out but it's not that common.

Anything different from the "usual" is always something that's awesome.
It'd be awesome to see different coloured roaches popping up that are actually true genetic morphs that could be bred out.
Not just roaches but any invert. I think there'd be more draw to the hobby if there were colour morphs to choose from.
I know there have been some albino or at least leucistic morphs in millipedes, not often but they have popped out.
Isopods seem to have varying degrees of morphs (whether it be a locality thing or not) that come out often enough.

Ah I rambled a bit there but I feel it's still on the topic of discussion to a degree that was coming out from this lol.


Apr 18, 2015

I was also considering the Horseshoe Crab Roach! I hadn't read much on how they are handling, so I'm glad to hear they're pretty good too.

Yeah. I also love that white roach in your previous post.
I remember seeing one as a kid and that was the only time I wasn't terrified of a roach. I know it was probably just a freshly molted one now, but back then I didn't know haha.

I might do a bit more research on all the ones you suggested and figure out which one I like the most.
Thank you so much again :happy:
Yeah, the Hemiblabera are decent for handling, though Blaberus seem more calm in my experience, at least the adult females.

The Panchlora sp. "White" are very beautiful, one of the few white roaches out there, or at least one of the few white roaches without many dark markings. Yeah, the bright colors help set them even further apart from the roaches most people are scared of, even freshly molted individuals of the pest species don't tend to invoke that much fear in people.

No problem, hope you are able to get some great species! :)


Sep 28, 2015
Yeah, the Hemiblabera are decent for handling, though Blaberus seem more calm in my experience, at least the adult females.

The Panchlora sp. "White" are very beautiful, one of the few white roaches out there, or at least one of the few white roaches without many dark markings. Yeah, the bright colors help set them even further apart from the roaches most people are scared of, even freshly molted individuals of the pest species don't tend to invoke that much fear in people.

No problem, hope you are able to get some great species! :)
I think I'll end up going with either the Hemiblabera or Blaberus. I'm not sure right now, I'm leaning more towards Blaberus at the moment. I just love the females.
I may end up with both later down the line though.

They are certainly gorgeous. I love any white colored animal for the most part.
Yeah, it seems people are more curious as to "why is it white" than "omg a roach!"

Me too!


Apr 18, 2015
Drymaplaneta semivitta:


Arenivaga cf. genitalis:
Adult male

Corydidarum pygmaea:
Female with young

Paranauphoeta discoidalis:
