My Mourning gecko babies are growing fast! Here are some things I've learned while breeding them.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2024
I've been breeding Mourning geckos (MGs) for a while now and wanted to share some tips for both the babies and the adults.

Number 1. When setting up babies into a grow-out enclosure, make sure that it's not super cluttered. Give them plenty of hides and enrichment. However, make sure that there is enough room for you to get in there and that there aren't too many tiny hiding spots for them to get away to. This will make your life a lot easier in the long run because baby MGs grow fast.
Number 2. Toothbrush tubs like the ones you'd get from the dollar store work great for the adult geckos to lay their eggs in. Just make sure that they have holes in the bottom so water doesn't build up in it killing the eggs and the holes aren't big enough for the babies and adults to get stuck in.
Number 3. They don't just eat fruit so it's important to feed a variety of prey such as fruit flies, very small crickets, Dubia roaches, and more. Dust feeder insects once or twice a week with a calcium supplement and if they don't have UVB lighting give them D3 as well.
Number 4. On the topic of food, while not usually, they can be cannibalistic especially when they are hungry. That's why it's important to take out the eggs when they are laid or right after they hatch if you want the babies.
Number 5. If you're not sure what to do with all the babies (which is inevitable since they are parthenogenic and males are virtually non-existent with only a few ever being recorded) here are a few things you could do with them. 1. Ask the seller if you could give them any of the babies you don't want. 2. Ask a local pet store (preferably not a big chain store like PetSmart or Petco) if they'd like any. 3. Start your own online or IRL business! 4. Try vending at a reptile expo like the NARBC reptile show or Repticon. All of these are great ways to connect with the reptile community and make some long lasting friendships.