My G. pulchra is, hands down, my most defensive T?


Aug 13, 2019
First off, you know the saying different folks different strokes?? Ts are the same. G pulchra is TYPICALLY very docile and calm, but that's not every single one of them. It is possible to end up with a more spicy one.

Second of all, as others pointed out, this is almost certainly not aggression or even defensiveness, it's a feeding response. The T simply has no way of telling that whatever is touching it isn't a wandering insect, at least not immediately, and some prefer to try and eat it before making sure it really is food.

This is why I sometimes hesitate to recommend A geniculata to noobs. The species is typically confident enough not to have a seizure and start bolting or throw a threat pose at normal disturbances, and even docile enough (usually) to tolerate a beginner's curiosity. However, their eagerness to hunt and eat, combined with their speed when they pounce could be mistaken for aggression by inexperienced keepers.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
What do you think he is?

I know the breeder and he had adult pulchras at his table.

He's still a juvenile which is probably why he looks leggy.
the legginess has literally has nothing to do with my questioning of the species......its the wrong color for one, especially looking at the post molt should be jet black...the other thing throwing me off is the hairs...or lack of the amount I would expect....what else it could be I cant tell you...quirogai possibly.


Mar 19, 2021
the legginess has literally has nothing to do with my questioning of the species......its the wrong color for one, especially looking at the post molt should be jet black...the other thing throwing me off is the hairs...or lack of the amount I would expect....what else it could be I cant tell you...quirogai possibly.
I was under the impression quirogais were basically indistinguishable from pulchra?

And that pulchras only take on the jet black color as adults.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
What do you think he is?

I know the breeder and he had adult pulchras at his table.

He's still a juvenile which is probably why he looks leggy.
There lies the problem. Did you pick that T up at an exotic show?

If you did and you don't know that this was a very reputable seller then mistakes are very easily made.

Imagine buying a pulchra sling thinking you got a great deal at the time only to find out when it hit 2.5 to 3 inches that it is actually a T. albopilosus. Paying more than what that T is worth.

I know because I'm referring to myself. That supposedly G. pulchra I bought years ago is now 1.6 years into being a mature male T. albo.

Just saying....

Always beware of exotic shows and sellers you or anyone else never heard of


Apr 2, 2018
Pretty sure I bought from a seller like that at my last expo. The T albo is a male, I suspect the G pulchripes is as well as my rosea.
But oh well I guess...


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Pretty sure I bought from a seller like that at my last expo. The T albo is a male, I suspect the G pulchripes is as well as my rosea.
But oh well I guess...
Sounds like my luck at pet stores 75% males I think but the smallest one I’m not sure.


Mar 19, 2021
Sounds like my luck at pet stores 75% males I think but the smallest one I’m not sure.
I scored my t apophysis female at Petco haha.
Waiting for molts on others I got there but the white knee may be F as well.

Meanwhile my breeder Ts were all male, the pulchra may not be a pulchra.

At least with my pampho I win either way. Either it turns beautiful pink/purple or lives for a long time.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
I scored my t apophysis female at Petco haha.
Waiting for molts on others I got there but the white knee may be F as well.

Meanwhile my breeder Ts were all male, the pulchra may not be a pulchra.

At least with my pampho I win either way. Either it turns beautiful pink/purple or lives for a long time.
Wish I had. A petco my exotic store suck’s everything looks male, I just got the s cal because someone else bought the gbb and I didn’t have patience to wait on another one.
I don’t know how I’m going to find a job I’m having trouble just staying awake, I keep having micro sleep and passing out.
I can’t get any Ts until I find a job.

Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
One time a cricket landed right on the outer wall of the enclosure and my P. irminia ran outside, grabbed it, and dragged it inside the enclosure lightning fast. That was pretty cool.
HOLY MOLY.... imagine being that cricket, thinking you got away with something, seeing through the glass what was to be your fate, & then there's a sudden burst of movement, & the last of your last conscious awareness is of being impaled by a couple searing fangs, a brief rollercoaster ride, & the light at the end of a tunnel get rapidly smaller before it all goes dark.
My God, I don't think I've ever pitied a cricket before, but that's f'n terrifying... Jesus wept