my first snake


Old Timer
Nov 23, 2007
You are of course right Mushroom spice

My feelings that my post was going to come off wrong were right and I stupidly still posted it. I am in no way discounting that many people find that BPs are wonderful and rewarding pets. And they are in fact an attractive snake (well to be fair all snakes are attractive:) ). I simply don't feel that BPs make good beginner snakes is all. I know that runs counter to popular feeling so sue me.

And of course most importantly it was unfair of me to air my feelings in O.P.s thread. So I apologize. In other words...

Congratz on the new snake I hope it opens a door to a wonderful new world for ya!


Old Timer
May 9, 2008
This is the single stupidest reason to look down on anything.

Maybe because BPs are beautiful, interesting, and easy to care for?

Amazingly enough.

Then don't go into other people's threads solely to insult their choice of pet and make disparaging remarks about people who choose to own that pet.

You're wrong.
Everyone on here keeps reiterating that everyone and anyone has the right to have and express his/her personal opinion, as we all saw in that infamous "mouse vs tarantula" thread, so why are you bashing him for expressing his own opinion about ball pythons?

An online forum is for different people to come together to express their views on a particular subject, negative or otherwise, as many others have mentioned.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Everyone on here keeps reiterating that everyone and anyone has the right to have and express his/her personal opinion, as we all saw in that infamous "mouse vs tarantula" thread, so why are you bashing him for expressing his own opinion about ball pythons?
In a thread about feeding verts to tarantulas or whatever, commenting on the issue of feeding verts to tarantulas is on-topic. In a thread where someone has just gotten a new pet and is posting to share their enjoyment/photos and possibly get some care tips, showing up to insult their choice in pets (assuming the animal is not illegal/dangerous to keep) is completely off-topic, unwarranted, and contributes nothing.

It doesn't happen very often on this forum, but I'm already sick of seeing it. The last time someone disrespected a new tarantula owner for getting a "common" G. rosea, they had pages of other board members telling them where they could shove that. And rightly so.


Old Timer
May 9, 2008
In a thread about feeding verts to tarantulas or whatever, commenting on the issue of feeding verts to tarantulas is on-topic. In a thread where someone has just gotten a new pet and is posting to share their enjoyment/photos and possibly get some care tips, showing up to insult their choice in pets (assuming the animal is not illegal/dangerous to keep) is completely off-topic, unwarranted, and contributes nothing.

It doesn't happen very often on this forum, but I'm already sick of seeing it. The last time someone disrespected a new tarantula owner for getting a "common" G. rosea, they had pages of other board members telling them where they could shove that. And rightly so.
Actually, that mouse-tarantula thread started off as someone asking whether he was overfeeding his spider, NOT whether it was ethically right to feed live mice to spiders. Nonetheless people still gave their opinions on the issue with an intensity similar to that of a brand new lamp (lame metaphor lol).

Only Exotics

Old Timer
Mar 1, 2006
Dude , feed whatever you like & keep them however you like move on with your life why keep beating a dead horse:wall: ;)


Old Timer
May 9, 2008
Dude , feed whatever you like & keep them however you like move on with your life why keep beating a dead horse:wall: ;)
Was this meant for me? If so, I don't quite understand how it applies to me. Because: firstly, this thread isn't mine; secondly, I didn't ask if I was feeding or housing any of my pets properly - I was simply standing up for someone who got flamed for voicing his personal opinion.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Actually, that mouse-tarantula thread started off as someone asking whether he was overfeeding his spider, NOT whether it was ethically right to feed live mice to spiders.
All right then. Not that it has anything to do with this thread, but if you can't perceive a difference between a discussion of ethics and coming into someone else's thread solely to be insulting because you think their new pet is lame and common and you can't possibly understand why ANYONE would want to have one, I don't know what to tell you.

Only Exotics

Old Timer
Mar 1, 2006
Quite simple if your going to argue for argument's sake take it somewhere else it's not appreciated by others;)


Old Timer
May 9, 2008
Quite simple if your going to argue for argument's sake take it somewhere else it's not appreciated by others;)
As I already said - I was simply standing up for someone who got flamed for voicing his personal opinion. Whether I was "looking for an argument" or not is subjective. If you're not on Cjacques' side then obviously you would think I'm just arguing for nothing. But it is not the case.

To sum it all up, I was making a point - that Cjacques did nothing wrong with voicing his personal opinion on keeping a ball python as a pet. Too bad if you disagree; I can't change your mind and neither can you change mine. Why make it seem as if I was a troublemaker looking for an argument?


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
She's eaten three good sized meals in the past three weeks, even one when she's getting ready to shed. She's got some good weight to her now.

The biggest reason I got a BP as my first snake was because I was able to convince my mom to let me get one. I do like their cute head shapes and everything... And I can't afford a morph. I paid $20 for Eve.
The reason my mom agreed to let me get one is because of their girth- they are easily handled, even at a young age. She was doing a creepy crawley day at a daycamp she was running, and wanted me to bring some of my critters in for a little presentation. So I took Eve with me, and she did great. She didn't get handled by anyone but me, but I did let the kids pet her with one finger, while I was securing her head away from them for safety reasons. I didn't let the kids hold any of the critters.
Now that I'm already keeping the one snake, I think it will be easier to bring more in without much fuss from my mom. My sister has a few clutches of corn eggs incubating now, and I'm hoping to end up with one or two of those babies. The fun thing about corn snakes is that the color morphs are all affordable!