My "emp" P.imperator


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
The last weeks I see a lot of the same posts:

1. My emp hasn't eaten for >fill in a time span<
2. My emp isn't moving, is it going to molt?
3. My emp is not showing/ my emp is not this normal?
4. Is my emp gravid or just fat......

This isn't funny anymore....can a mod (Zoltan?) make a "do you have a question about an emp, read this first before you post-sticky"...I know some people are going to say that I don't have to respond to those threads or flame me, but I am sure I am not the only one that is :wall::wall:

Cheers, Michiel


Old Timer
Dec 25, 2007
This is in the commonly used thread index
I think it might be better if it were a sticky.

A really detailed care sheet similar to what you have on VL(SOTM) would be great. I've considered submitting articles about scorpions care, but I think a sticky here with different species added on occation would really benifit this site. It would be much easier to find and point beginers to. If a mod would set this up I'd work on a few care sheets for several US southwest native species.

The only issue might be proofing the document, I'd hate to have some sort of foolishness being submitted as a care sheet. I'm sure dave or one of the other experinced mods would be able to tell the <edit> from the good stuff.
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Old Timer
May 22, 2006
This is in the commonly used thread index
I think it might be better if it were a sticky.

A really detailed care sheet similar to what you have on VL(SOTM) would be great. I've considered submitting articles about scorpions care, but I think a sticky here with different species added on occation would really benifit this site. It would be much easier to find and point beginers to. If a mod would set this up I'd work on a few care sheets for several US southwest native species.

The only issue might be proofing the document, I'd hate to have some sort of foolishness being submitted as a care sheet. I'm sure dave or one of the other experinced mods would be able to tell the <edit> from the good stuff.
I think that is a very good idea, John...I don't know all mods here, but I am sure Dave can sort out the good stuff from the <edit>...
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Old Timer
Jan 25, 2011
why is this upsetting you so much? With all due respect people have a right to express their concern for their animals.


Old Timer
Dec 25, 2007
why is this upsetting you so much? With all due respect people have a right to express their concern for their animals.
I don't think Michiel is upset with people voicing concern about their animals. I think it's more the fact that people are asking the same questions over and over again. At one point their were three sex my emp threads on the first page. Right now there are two "my emps not eating" threads on the first page, like five spots away from each other. Reading a little bit helps people learn a lot.

What Michiel was sugesting is a good care sheet that would answer most of the emp questions be posted in the sticky threads so that they would be readily available for beginers. I figured if we added it for emp why not other common or even rare species.
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H. laoticus

Old Timer
Mar 11, 2009
I can understand the frustrations, but I predict these threads won't stop regardless of any stickies. There are stickies on other forums as well for beginners to look at, but it has only helped a minuscule number of people. They will continue to ask and all you can do is answer, scold, or redirect them. What may help, though, (which I think is possible to do) is if new members get a popup window telling them to how to use the search function, linking them stickies, etc. and to consider the presented info before making a post. Who knows, stickies here might be more effective than the ones I've witnessed on other sites. It's worth a shot I suppose and it'll be much easier to just redirect them to these stickies where they can find the info they need. AzJohn, I think that's a good idea to make them for both common and rare species (or all species for that matter).


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
I can understand the frustrations, but I predict these threads won't stop regardless of any stickies. There are stickies on other forums as well for beginners to look at, but it has only helped a minuscule number of people. They will continue to ask and all you can do is answer, scold, or redirect them. What may help, though, (which I think is possible to do) is if new members get a popup window telling them to how to use the search function, linking them stickies, etc. and to consider the presented info before making a post. Who knows, stickies here might be more effective than the ones I've witnessed on other sites. It's worth a shot I suppose and it'll be much easier to just redirect them to these stickies where they can find the info they need. AzJohn, I think that's a good idea to make them for both common and rare species (or all species for that matter).
As moderator of the scorpion section of The Venomlist I can confirm we don't have that problem of people asking the same things over and over again. However, I am aware of the chance that you cannot totally prevent it. some new users are insecure, green as grass, are not familiair how to use the forum etc etc, but I agree with H.laoticus it is worth a shot.

H. laoticus

Old Timer
Mar 11, 2009
I think we can agree that Arachnoboards is on a much larger scale than the Venom List and there is also a difference in demographics. Stickies (or maybe sections dedicated to emps for example) may or may not have any effects, but I think one of the mods already mentioned in a thread a while back having tried some ideas that failed miserably. I guess it's better to just PM them about it instead to see what they have tried, etc.


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
I think we can agree that Arachnoboards is on a much larger scale than the Venom List and there is also a difference in demographics. Stickies (or maybe sections dedicated to emps for example) may or may not have any effects, but I think one of the mods already mentioned in a thread a while back having tried some ideas that failed miserably. I guess it's better to just PM them about it instead to see what they have tried, etc.
Agreed, VL is much smaller and different people come over there. I remember the thread where the mods explained that some ideas did not have the desired effect (failed miserably is a bit overdone I think). AB has changed and I have changed over the years, and it is only logical that AB is just not that interesting anymore to me, as it is for others...I think I have to accept that.

H. laoticus

Old Timer
Mar 11, 2009
Agreed, VL is much smaller and different people come over there. I remember the thread where the mods explained that some ideas did not have the desired effect (failed miserably is a bit overdone I think). AB has changed and I have changed over the years, and it is only logical that AB is just not that interesting anymore to me, as it is for others...I think I have to accept that.
Haha, as I typed, "failed miserably," I thought the same thing to myself, but was too lazy to reword it :p You're right though, no doubt it has undergone changes--from a tight-nit community of dedicated enthusiasts to a seemingly unmanageable mass of beginners. Only thing left to do is accept and adapt. I really do think that having stickies is worth a shot, though. Having them in plain sight, highlighted, and blinking should get their attention ;P


Jun 10, 2010
As one in the mass of beginners, I hope you all do stay here and keep active.

I tend to learn more from personal experience being posted than the true scientific literature available.

Perhaps a PM could be sent directly after registration explaining the basics of a Forum and the search function could help.

Think the problem is that this may be the first forum every used by someone.
I can tell from most of the active members here that this is not the case.
But some may have no idea.

Just my Two Cents.


Old Timer
Dec 25, 2007
In my opinion caresheets done right would really benifit this site. If you include rare species as well as common ones it can become a resource to beginers as well as experienced keepers. If they include pictures people could use them when they are choosing a new species or just window shopping. You won't stop every "my emp wont eat" thread, but once you direct the poster to the care sheets then you stop the same poster from asking "is my emp gravid" and "Sex my emp". Once people learn were the cares are at then they'll use it for other species as well. You'll cut down on a lot of the repeate questions.



Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
There has been threads about this also, do a search Michiel! Haha, just kiddin I know it's a diff situation in that you are more tired of it. But the same things were brought up, about people changing, knowing more and more so they get bored looking for new info to pop up and don't see it and get tired of the same stuff. So I too think people need to get used to it, like teachers that teach the same class year after year. Those teachers know they are going to teach the same thing over and over again. Even educating new people about the search function is going to happen over and over again. I think some people see forums as info only, others seem to enjoy conversation about their issue whether it's old or new.


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
There has been threads about this also, do a search Michiel! Haha, just kiddin I know it's a diff situation in that you are more tired of it. But the same things were brought up, about people changing, knowing more and more so they get bored looking for new info to pop up and don't see it and get tired of the same stuff. So I too think people need to get used to it, like teachers that teach the same class year after year. Those teachers know they are going to teach the same thing over and over again. Even educating new people about the search function is going to happen over and over again. I think some people see forums as info only, others seem to enjoy conversation about their issue whether it's old or new.

LOL, you are right Galapoheros.....I think I should not post my frustrations here, what are wives for? :D:D