My chaco,,need Help....


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
Hi all...:)

I have a "problem" here. Need help.

Remember in my other post that my 7' chaco got stuck and I helped her loose.

Well, after that she has moved and have been sitting on the same spot upside down on the screen ceiling the whole night since I helped her loose.

I have turned the screen around and tried to gently push her,,the brush method,,to make her move, walk away downwards into the tank,nothing. She just refuse to move. Can she be stuck on the net itself??:confused:

Then I also discovered while watching her from the outside sitting there on the screen,, that something looking exactly like water coming from her mouth and drip down.
It behaves just like water and it looks like water. What can this be that she "spits" out from her mouth?
Anyone seen this before?

Any suggestion appreciated:)



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
She could indeed be stuck, although she could just be stubborn. Tarantulas will occasionally get their feet stuck in various types of screening. Alumnum window screening is the most common culprit. The imortant thing is that the tarantula be able to get a good footing so she can remove herself, which is why most keepers recomend that the distance from the top to the substrate be no more than the outstreched leg span of the spider. You may already have that. If she is stuck, I'd be real hesitant to try to force her off, as you may tear off legs. Perhaps if you found a container (that can be closed) big enough for the whole lid to fit inside, you could gently turn the lid upside down (so the spider is right side up) and place the whole thing inside the larger container. This would allow the tarantula to free herself at her leisure without fear of falling or hanging from a stuck leg.

Tarantulas occasionally "drool", usually during feeding, but in this case it may be stress related. When she's free, be sure she has plenty of water in case she has become dehydrated during her ordeal.

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Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002


Thanx for the replay.

This is what have happened.

I turned the screen around and took her box that she was sent to me in and I held it in front of her and gently brushed her and she was able to move her legs , but I did see that her feet kinda "snapped" off the screen when she lifted them, like stuck in glue, and she moved slowly into the box and I start to think she was afraid of the height because she did have a slight fall the first night I had her,,but this fall was not from the screen itself.

I left her in the box on the ground in the cage to stress "down" and I put a lot off fresh water in her waterdish beside the box and I am off to buy 2 sacks of substrate to fill the tank up.

She doesn't move much daytime as any other T so I have time to adjust it to safer levels.

I'm kinda pooped with myself, because I should have known this about the height and a bigger T in there:?

I must say that these Chaco's are really sweeties.:)

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Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Glad to hear she's OK...that cage height thing is imortant, especially with the big girls!
