If you're talking about the 1st picture, I just grab them between the 2nd and 3rd pairs of legs. If they're fast you might want to pin the carapace first using your index finger before you put your fingers in the above position. I only do this with fairly docile Ts, but I've seen more brave souls in pictures with some OW Ts being held this way
alot of people swear by it -- when you need to inspect the underneath of the T its really the best/only way (you can do it through the tank, but thats not that good)...
when you do it, the T's legs usually just go limp and they can't tag you.
ah man, terri -- i cant tell from the pic if the abdomen is shriveled? I hope its not parasites.. notice any of the white gunk?
i assume you've tried water, right?
is it eating normally?
Well, first and most important: I WOULD NEVER PICK UP MY ORANGE BITEY THING LIKE THAT!!!=D
I just put my fingers in, pet his little butt to let him know I'm there, and pinch between some legs, making sure I have a hold on the carapace and not the opisthoma.
Some would say that Ts have no "memories", and can't "get to know you", but all of my docile species permit this type of handling. The unidentified ap. species doesn't even move when I'm holding her that way. Perhaps they sense that I'm not out to hurt them and feel comfortable being held by me. I DO have that "animal thing", they can sense I'm an animal person. Maybe it's my vibes?!:?
little rhetts will soon bless your home hopefully?
and the reasons i've heard for why the pin method works, is, that never really happens in the wild, so their brains don't know how to process it, so they just go limp.
thats what's bandied about at the T-parties i've attended
Ah crap... I thought it was me they were responding to! Oh well, I guess it's a GOOD thing that I don't make things go limp when I pick them up!
We will see soon, if mama's butt gets any fatter I will start getting hopeful! I forgot to write down the date of breeding... I'm gonna have to search this site to find out when the magical night was!
My B. Vagans has this problem with climbing the walls of her tank and injuring herself. I'm half tempted to put her in an ICU to keep her from injuring herself anymore. Let me clarify, she's injured herself but she keeps insisting on crawling on the wall further injuring herself even more.
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