Ms. Moxie's photo thread

miss moxie

Jun 13, 2014
  1. P. regalis juvenile on the prowl.
  2. G. iheringi female surprised me with a molt! Then she surprised me by bolting when I added water to her substrate. Look at those legs! Phew she's a stunner. The good news of her bolting meant I got to see her fangs are nice and dark so she'll be ready for a meal soon.
  3. P. metallica spiderling, 1 of 2. Both of these guys are out quite often! I'm so impressed with them. I can see the one out right now.
  4. C. gracilis female, out and about and looking cute.
  5. P. cancerides spiderling just molted the other day. Navy blue bean!
  6. O. aureotibialis spiderling has made themselves a little hidey hole.
  7. And so has my Chilobrachys sp. "Vietnam Blue" female! Her colors are so subtle, but so beautiful.

miss moxie

Jun 13, 2014
  1. Yum Yum! B. auratum male eating a hornworm!
  2. G. pulchripes female's first meal after molting; a nice and hydrating hornworm, mmmm.
  3. P. reduncus spiderling, the first pictures I managed to snag of this little cutie. Think they might molt soon, or maybe they're just fat.
  4. P. striata, adult female, eating a big fat hornworm as her second meal with me. This definitely fattened her up nicely. A couple minutes after the very last pictures were taken, I watched her come up from her cork tube and throw out a ball of substrate along with the bolus. Tidy girl can't have trash in her condo right?

miss moxie

Jun 13, 2014
  1. N. chromatus spiderlings, managed to see quite a few of them out and about during this recent feeding.
  2. N. incei juvenile, so cute! Nibbling a wee dubia.
  3. B. auratum female looks like she needs a molt soon.
  4. B. auratum male still looking handsome.
  5. H. petersii male, nomming a roach.
  6. P. imperator male, ran around with their food while eating it.

miss moxie

Jun 13, 2014
  1. C. gracilis female eating a small dubia roach.
  2. One of my M. balfouri juveniles molted and got their sexy black stockings!
  3. This little P. regalis sling is bold as brass! I walked ten feet with it's enclosure, opened up the lid, and was able to take pictures of them without them bolting! Thanks buddy, you're looking cute and in need of a rehouse soon...
  4. Water splashed up on my P. imperator male and it looked like he was crying!