Moss for terrarium?


Apr 20, 2020
Just for the heads up regarding that driftwood piece, it's going to be almost impossible to get enough moisture to those tips and the amount of airflow around where you want the moss is going to be very drying and difficult to maintain, the amount of moisture needed in a terrarium to maintain that, won't suit a T long-term.

BUT, Im not all doom and gloom, so to get this to work here's a suggestion.
Instead of moss, go for a small leaved vine and plant half a dozen at the base, train them around the driftwood and let the leaves grow at the tips and trim off leaves where you don't want them- Ficus pumila would be a great choice.
Good luck
Thank you for the great information!!!


He who moists xD
Aug 10, 2017
As Rhino1 says the moss would need a lot of whater, since the airflow will dry it very quickly.

If your are going to use it in the background there is not so much problem, since xaxim and other subs keeps that humidity levels, even with the air flowing.

I like the solution that Rhino1 gaves you, the ficus pumila looks awesome in woods. I don't have one because when I made the enclosure they weren't available my local garden shop.
Hedera Helix could be another option, but grows fast, so you'll need to trim some parts more often.


Jan 9, 2019
@Davidln1 hey man, I was just thinking if you Google search "driftwood bonsai", you will find all the information needed to do this, but use long vines suitable for Terraria and wrap them around the trunk, strip all the leaves off except for the branch tips.
It should be awesome.