More strict posting..."what T should i get?" banning


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
ok so it has become very obvious to me that people are coming on the boards, joining the community and asking dumb questions. i sign on the AB daily and it never fails every day of the week i see "what T should i get" or "whats the best T for me" and on everyone of these threads u see someone post a bunch of different OLD threads with the same thing...can we set something up so that when u start on AB u are given a tutorial on what NOT To ask without searching first. i deal with the "what kind of tarantula best suites me" all the time at the pet store i work for, and im VERY open to helping those people...but when i see an internet forum flooded with that question i get VERY annoyed....

DO RESEARCH PEOPLE!!!! my first tarantula was an H. mac....should i have been thrown into the hobby like that..HELL no....but its what i wanted becuz i had DONE RESEARCH....if u wanna know what T will best suite you...go find out what Ts are out there and look 'em up. stop taking the easy route and letting someone give you the answer...did u cheat on ur tests in highschool? i just dont get it. oh and to the people who DO respond to those threads with "i think you should get" STOP IT! your just making our group less informed by giving them the information on a silver platter...

my apologizes if ive offended anyone....its just a rant.


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
DO RESEARCH PEOPLE!!!! my first tarantula was an H. mac....should i have been thrown into the hobby like that..HELL no....but its what i wanted becuz i had DONE RESEARCH....if u wanna know what T will best suite you...go find out what Ts are out there and look 'em up. stop taking the easy route and letting someone give you the answer...did u cheat on ur tests in highschool? i just dont get it. oh and to the people who DO respond to those threads with "i think you should get" STOP IT! your just making our group less informed by giving them the information on a silver platter...

my apologizes if ive offended anyone....its just a rant.

Good Rant, Good Rant!!!!!!:)


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Agreed, good rant. I am still pretty new, however I had done my reserach and knew what I was getting before coming here to AB AND I read those sticky threads before posting lol. Plus I know how to and do use the search function ;)

Anyways, maybe its just me, but it seems like the majority of the people posting those kinda threads want the advice but dont come back to the forum for anything else. I dunno, maybe not but thats what it seems like. Oh look a spider forum they will tell me what to get..... but thats it, no hanging around and getting to know the forum.


Old Timer
Sep 18, 2008
i never understood the hate about newbie posters..these are people who want to learn. getting information directly from people who are experienced, IMO is one of the best, if not THE best way of obtaining information.

people here need to stop the whole "elitest" attitude..every single one of you were noobs once and had questions.


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2006
i never understood the hate about newbie posters..these are people who want to learn. getting information directly from people who are experienced, IMO is one of the best, if not THE best way of obtaining information.

people here need to stop the whole "elitest" attitude..every single one of you were noobs once and had questions.
Agreed, I never asked questions, but I can see why people would ask. Those threads also spark some nice debates from time to time which is fun to read. {D


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
I completely agree. Yes we were all noobs once but like the OP said, he did his did Mackenzie and did a lot of people. Just for fun, I typed "beginner tarantula" into google and a whole slew of results came up, one is a list of the top 10 beginner tarantulas. You don't even need to buy a book (even though you should anyway). The OP isn't talking about all "noob" posts, he's talking about the 5 million "what T should I get" posts, that usually end up with 5 pages worth of replies. However, real, legitimate posts get overlooked. It's not fair to those with real or more advanced questions. I agree 100% that people should at least try a google search before coming on here and asking what kind of tarantula they should get, because they're going to get a million different answers from us ranging from a rosea to an S. cal. That's what sparked that ranting post someone made about recommending more "advanced" T's to people who are just starting out, especially those who are trying to recover from arachnophobia.

Ethan is right too, at the beginning of the web page, there are three stickies for beginners. I would bet that at least half of the people who come on here asking advice on their first T don't read any of those stickies. In Joe's thread, there's tons of links for what kind of T's people should get based on what the person is looking's perfect for any newcomer to the hobby to make a sound decision.

Shell is right as well, those people will come on here, post a few absolutely ridiculous questions, and then we never hear from them again.



Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
I'm gonna be honest and say that I'm floored by the number of repeat questions, not very well thought out posts on this forum. It doesn't really bother me, it just means that I don't even read a good majority of the new threads. Maybe if it reaches a couple pages I'll pop in and see what all the fuss is about.

When it comes to "what T should I get" threads, I'm always confused. Why do you want someone else to tell you what to get? It's your pet, your money, your own personal set of criteria that you look for in a T. Just something that never made a lot of sense to me.

The biggest problem with the repeat questions (literally every week the same questions are asked at least a couple times) is that I think it drives away the real 'experts' on this board. If you read through the genus picture threads, or even some of the older threads through searching, there are a lot of AB members with amazing collections and an incredible amount of knowledge about some of the rarest species. But I start a thread looking for input on Pamphobeteus taxonomy, and don't get a single reply.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
I'm not bothered by these kinds of posts, I have a busy life to worry about and I don't have time to get upset over silly things like that. :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Dec 10, 2008
I'm tired of the "I'm tired of the noobs" threads...{D what is this...the 3 or 4th this month?


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Well I'M tired of the "I'm tired of the 'i'm tired of the noobs'" threads. So there!


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Well....I'm tired of the "I'm tired of I'm tired of the I'm tired of the noobs about that?!?!


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Well....I'm tired of the "I'm tired of I'm tired of the I'm tired of the noobs about that?!?!
That'll do Exo. That'll do. :cool:

Really though, I think this is more of a question of general forum etiquette than etiquette at THIS forum. I think we get a lot of people coming here for their first - or at least one of their first - experiences with forums. I know now to look around and get acquainted at a new forum before jumping in with both feet but I had to learn that...


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2007
i never understood the hate about newbie posters..these are people who want to learn. getting information directly from people who are experienced, IMO is one of the best, if not THE best way of obtaining information.

people here need to stop the whole "elitest" attitude..every single one of you were noobs once and had questions.


Old Timer
Mar 5, 2009
This is a forum, where people come to ask questions to the kind of people that know some much about the hobby. If this whole board only had threads that are like this one, it would be detrimental to the hobby. It would only be the people who think they are the best of the best arguing with each other.

If nice people didn't answer my noob questions I would have ended up with a dead emperor scorpion and never got involved as I am in the hobby. I now own 14 scorpions, 2 millipedes, 1 centipede, 1 true spider, and 3 tarantulas. I would like to thank all of those who helped answer my questions and got me deeper into the hobby.

We should not talk down to people just because they are new, and ask questions that others have asked. They may think that just because there is a thread about someone who owned a g. rosea, and are wondering what to get next is not relevant to them since they first owned an a. avic.

Each person's history is different,and each person has a different personality. If you are getting sick of all the "what should I get next" threads, don't read them and skip over them and read the next thread. No one is forcing anyone to read any threads.

I am done ranting now.


Old Timer
Jan 31, 2008
I don't like threads like THIS, actually. Why make a forum hostile to noobs? I think preserving the niceness of the forum by indulging people's repeat threads does more to improve the boards than saying they should do research before posting (rants like this are one of the most common types of threads, actually).

The best boards are full of nice people. That makes it so people aren't afraid to ask the questions on their mind. And sometimes those redundant threads turn into interesting conversations in which new things are said. In either case it doesn't hurt to be nice, and if you don't want to be bored with the same old threads, you don't have to read or post on them.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2009
i never understood the hate about newbie posters..these are people who want to learn. getting information directly from people who are experienced, IMO is one of the best, if not THE best way of obtaining information.

people here need to stop the whole "elitest" attitude..every single one of you were noobs once and had questions.
i agree with this...completely.